Chapter 12

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Isabelle's pov

"Look at them.." Ethan says while pointing up to the stars.
"Aren't they beautiful.." he sighs and then turns to face me.
"Isabelle can I tell you something?" He grabs my hand and I nod while peering into his eyes. His face was shaded over. The only light was the stars and moon beaming down on us.

"I want to be with you.. I think for the rest of my life. I don't ever want to leave you Isabelle. I want to have children with you someday. I want to marry you and grow old with you while we sit out on a porch and watch our grand kids run around in the fields." He closes his eyes and smiles. Blushing I look up at the moon peeking from behind a tree branch.
"I want that too Ethan." I whisper.
"Do you?" He sits up on his forearms and looks down at me.
"You want to have a life with me?" He smiles and runs his thumb over my wrist.

"Yeah I do." I smile and roll so I'm on my side.
"Wow.." he mutters, laying down facing me.
"Yeah." I laugh lightly at his amazed expression.
"You would make a great dad." I mumble and tap at his cheek with my finger tip.
"Anyone can be a dad Isabelle. But I don't want to be a great dad. I want to be a great father." He rubs at his eyes and then places his hand over mine.
"Well you would make a great father then."
"Do you think we would be happy?" He mumbles.
"Yeah I think we would be." I wait for his reply but I don't get one. His eyes were shut now and his lips parted slightly. Little breaths escaping him. I slide closer to him and slip under his arm. He nudges his face into my chest. I look up at the sky for a few seconds and then close my eyes and give in to sleep.

Ethan's pov

A little boy runs down the hall in front of me. He laughs and spins to face me. He was a little version of myself. The only difference was the eyes. He had the same eyes as Isabelle. He smiles and then runs into my out stretched arms. I hadn't even known I was kneeling with my arms open until I saw him running towards me. He collapses into my chest. His laughs echoing through out the hall. I pick him up and fly him around over my head as I run down the hall and turn a corner. I see a women standing at a kitchen stove. She turns when she hears us behind her and I see Isabelle's smiling face. A second small child was sleeping in her arms. Another smaller version of myself.
She laughs at our son and I. My eyes trail down her body and rest on her swollen stomach. She pats her stomach and then I hear her say
"She'll be here soon."
I let our little boy slip down off my chest and then place him on the floor. He tugs at my hand while we walk towards Isabelle. I place my hand on her back and then kiss her cheek.
"I love you Ethan.." she whispers while kissing me.

I wake up and rub at my eyes. A dream? I smile and then look to my side to see Isabelle's absence. Sitting up I look around. I couldn't see her outside. I pull on a sweater and then leave the glass dome and make my way up to the house. The back door was slightly open. I push through and hear noises. Frowning I walk down the hall and see that the bathroom door was open.

Swerving around the corner I step into the bathroom and see Isabelle kneeling on the bathroom floor in front of the toilet. I walk to her and pull her hair out of the way.
"Don't look at me!" She mumbles and then vomits.
"What happened?!" I ask while getting down onto my knees.
"I think... I poisoning." She breaths heavily. Beads of sweat pooling on her forehead.
"What did you eat last night?" I ask while rubbing her back. Another round of vomit escapes her and I cringe.
"I don't know." She sobs and shakes under my hand.

Isabelle's pov

I wipe at my mouth with a towel and then splash my face with cold water. Ethan stands in the door frame rubbing at his chin.
"I'm so sorry you had to see that.." I mumble while swaying.
"Hey it's okay." He says then kisses my forehead. I sigh and wander over to the couch. I lay down and curl into a ball. I felt terrible.

"My meeting is today.. I need to attend this one but I want you to stay home. I think it would be best if you just rested okay? I'll pay the cleaning lady to make sure you're okay when she stops by later today." He sits down beside me and rubs my back. I nod and cover my face with my hands.
"I'll see you later Isabelle. I love you." He kisses the top of my head and then pats my leg. I lay there for a while and then I see Ethan walk to the door. Buttoning up his jacket. He turns to face me, smiles, waves and then walks out the door.

Hours later I wake up to Virginia, the cleaning lady placing a glass of ice water on the table infront of me. I had fallen asleep on the couch completely uncovered. But had woken up with a blanket placed over me and a pillow under my head.
"Oh I'm so sorry I woke you up!" She says and sits down beside me.
"It's okay. You didn't wake me up." I sit up and cringe as my stomach rolls. I take a sip of cold water and then press the glass against my cheek.

"I'll make you something to eat okay? Some fruit maybe or would you like bacon? Do you like bacon?" I nod and she gets up and walks to the kitchen. As the aroma of bacon and grease fills the room, my stomach churns and I get up and run to the bathroom I barely make it to the sink when watery liquid bursts from my mouth. I vomit and then wash away the evidence with water.
Virginia comes running into the bathroom.
"Ms.Thronington! Are you okay?" She crys out. I nod.
"The smell... it just made me feel sick. I'm okay now though." I lean on the wall and watch as her mouth opens a bit.

"This really isn't any of my business... but.. are you pregnant?" I laugh and wave her off.
"No that's impossible. We've used protection every time except...." I feel my heart sink as I remember the last time we had sex. He hadn't pulled out and he hadn't put on a condom.
"Oh my god.." I mutter as reality hits me.

"Could you do me a favor Virginia.. this really isn't your job but I don't have a car to drive. Could you please go to the store and pick up some pregnancy tests? I'll give you the money." I rush the words and she nods.
"Yes of course."
She waits for me as I dig around in my wallet for a 20. I can't find one so I give her a 50.
"I'll try to hurry as fast I can." She says while practically running out the door.

I pace back and forth in the living room waiting for her return. As the door opens I rush to see her but I am greeted by Ethan.
"Hey! Someone's feeling better!" He says and kisses my cheek. He was right I was feeling better, but now that he was home that would mean that when Virginia got back he would also be here and that made my stomach drop.
"Yeah I am! Hey I'm gonna go for a walk and get some fresh air." I say while heading out the door. He frowns and calls after me but I ignore him and walk down the pathway. I walk away from the house and down the road a bit so I can stop Virginia before she's even close to the house and Ethan.

I see a car turning the corner and then watch as it pulls over beside me. The window rolls down and I see Virginias face appear. She hands me the change and a box of pregnancy tests. I smile and thank her then watch as she drives away. Stuffing the box in my pants I make my way back to the house. Opening the door I fake a smile as Ethan stands and comes towards me. I doge his hug and give an excuse to use the washroom. As I lock the bathroom door behind me I let out a deep breath then tear open the box. I pull out a stick and sit down on the toilet.

After peeing on it I close my eyes and wait. I open my eyes slowly and then chance a look at the test. I feel my face heaten when I see two fat, faint lines on the test proving that I am indeed pregnant. I drop the stick and my hand flys to my mouth. Is this real? I try another test just incase and get the same result.

After a moment of panic I wrap both sticks in toilet paper and then stick it under some garbage in the garbage can. I didn't know how I was going to explain this to Ethan but I knew right now wasn't a good time. So I wash my hands, pat my face and then walk out into the living room and act natural.
"Isabelle whats wrong?" Ethan says while walking towards me.
"Nothing.." I say and smile at him. He nods and gives me a hug.



Hoped you liked the plot twist💟

Love ya all💟


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