Conjectures pt. 2

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K, but imagine what happens next. After the lunch with Matt, Hux tries his best to show that he doesn't care about you as much as possible. Yet, you constantly feel his angry gaze on your back.

"So? How's the situation?" Matt catches you as you are going down the empty corridor.

"Oh, great. He doesn't talk to me, doesn't seem to look at me, and yet, every time I turn my back on him, I'm feeling like he sunk one thousand knives in my back with his eyes."

"Good. That means he cares. He's about to break."

"But why do you care?" you squint your eyes. You and Matt aren't even friends. What kind of interest does he have in this?

"You belong together. I just want you to be happy" the blond man replies with his low, awkward voice and forced smile.

"And I just want to punch your face. I know a liar when I see one" you eye Matt for a second. The tall man towers over you, his eyes, so dark, don't escape your gaze. "Stay. Away. From me. I am telling you, for your own good" just as you push Matt on the wall to make your way through, you slightly turn your head and glimpse notice another tall man standing at the end of the corridor behind you. Hux? Nevermind. You head off.


There is something wrong about him. You just don't like the way how dark his eyes are. Blond people don't have dark eyes but... he might be dying his hair. So focused on finding out why intuition warns you about Matt, you don't notice a man, walking your direction, until he grabs your arms stopping you as you almost bump up against him.

"What?" you blink and look around like you've just woke up, raise your head and meet cold disapproving gaze. "I am so sorry, General" you look down, step aside and wait for him to go his way. He doesn't move.

"What was that about?" his tone sends unpleasant shivers down your spine. "Between you and that technitian?" You raise your head again, part lips in intention to say something but he continues on speaking "I do not approve of such... relationships among my officers. Especially if they are to happen between them and some technical personnel" the last sentence gets almost spited out.

"I..." you don't know what to say. What are you supposed to say? "I will end this" although, there is nothing to end in the first place. At least this is going to be easy.

"Yes you will. Right now" Hux takes a step in your direction, you try to back off but meet a wall. He wraps the arm around your waist and lifts you up so your eyes meet at the same level. You are not given any time to react. General's lips and body crushes yours in a kiss. The kiss itself is sharp and shallow at first, but deepens and slows down with time, as he decides to taste your tongue with his own. You keep your eyes closed and fingers messing with fiery hair. He breaks the kiss, right after you feel him harden between his legs, with a certainly uncontrolled, silent moan. The red headed man takes a step back, adjusts his uniform and silks back his hair. He walks away leaving you with words: "I expect you in my office tomorrow evening." Far away, at the end of the corridor, you recognize Matt's posture. Was he watching? Your intuition squeezed your stomach. There is something wrong about him.

General Hux x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now