Just pick a damn name, ok?

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K, but imagine it's your birthday. Hux insists on you coming to meet him in front of one of the hangars. He has something to show you.

The coldness of this planet seems to percolate every part of your being. You really hate it outside the base. Nonetheless, you feel something warming up your chest every time you see Hux's smile. And he is doing it right now. He is smiling despite of the frigid wind blowing in his face. It's your favorite kind of smile. The one, he gives you only when you're alone. General opens the big door of the hangar and waits for you to come inside. Doesn't say a thing, or even if he does, you cannot hear it. The roar of the wind makes it mpossible.

Silence falls down like a curtain, once both of you are inside with the door shut. "Finally" Hux cuts the silence "This is what I wanted to show you." He wraps his arm around your waist "My gift for you."

You look at him, but the red headed man neither continues speaking nor points at anything particular. "A hangar?" you ask. "You are giving me this hangar?"

"What? No. Well, maybe someday I will give you the whole hangar but for now, one must do."

"One what?"

Hux is standing behind you now, and is leaning for you to reach your ear. "Take a look over there" he says quietly, as he guides your head, gently to the side, with his gloved hand. Your gaze rests on something you, somehow, didn't notice before. A little ship you always wanted. Not big enough to live on it but ideal for small interstellar trips. "Do you like it?"

"Yes!" squeak of joy leaves your lips. You turn your face at Hux with a smile.

"Show me" says general pulling you closer. You kiss him with all the emotion however, before you know it, he takes the initiative. His hot tongue sneaks into your mouth. You can feel his scent. Hux always smells so good. That pushes you to the edge with lust every time. When he's so close, you can smell him. Bastard knows that and uses this knowledge well. The kiss lasts for minutes, as he doesn't have enough, but breaks soon after his hands start running down your thick clothed body. "Wait, you have to pick a name for the ship" Hux gasps. "Then, we can take a night off the base. We could go somewhere nice, to finish... celebrating."

"Somewhere nice? Your bed is not nice anymore? I need to think" you turn away from his kiss, pretending to be consumed with thinking.

Hux growls and bites your ear. He likes and, at the same time, hates when you keep him waiting when he's turned on. "Just pick a damn name, okay? Pick it, so I could finally have you" his voice is shaking with lust.

General Hux x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now