Sneaking out (Deep down pt. 4)

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Hux doesn't give a fuck about Ren's warnings, despite his instinct telling him otherwise, and decides to come to you even closer.

"This is ridiculous" whispers Hux into your ear as you're making your way through the group of people. This funfair is known for being extremely crowded. People laughing, dancing, eating, singing, bumping into each other... Hux's nightmare.

"You're mad, because without all this uniform of yours and ruling the roost of stormtroopers, your dick isn't that big anymore" you smirk, answering quietly. Talking the ginger into sneaking out of duties, disguising in casual clothes and visiting place like this, is the best idea you ever had. Although, it would never happen if master Ren didn't oppose you interacting with Hux in any way, so bad. 'I have to thank him once I'm back.'

"Funny. I thought, I was fucking you without my uniform on and my people around. " Hux's hand pinches your butt. "But we can always change that if that's what makes you wet." a shadow of a cheeky smile dances on his face. Pointlessly though, for you have seen through his game.

"You don't have guts" you say getting on your toes, shortening the distance between your lips. Hux is staring at you intensively, with a dare. You lean to him a little further, general's arms rest on your hips. He leans forward, trying to steal a kiss as you back off with a devious smile. "I changed my mind. You haven't earned it."

Hux groans rolling his eyes. "Fine", he's so desperate, "what do I do?"

"Let's play a game" you say, pulling him to the nearest stall. "You know how to shoot, right?" Hux snarls at your tease. Of course, he does. And he's deadly good. "Score every point and I will allow you to kiss me. Missing means starting all over and getting spanked."

"I never miss." Hux doesn't take much time to prepare himself. Then, scores right in the center of the target. He sends you a smug smile. You respond with the same and use the force to push him slightly before he pulls the trigger. His eyes thunder with irritation. You shrug, trying to look innocent and make him miss once again.

"Are you even trying?"

Hux bares teeth but his aura shows amusement. "You just want to touch my ass, admit it."

Laughter escapes your mouth. "Focus, general. You seem to be losing again." This time you let him finish the game. He fires 15 shots perfectly, easily beating the local record.

"I'll take that bantha" says Hux, waving at a plush, not sparing the owner of the stall a single glance. The man murmurs to himself, handing the prize to the ginger. "My prize" he whispers into your ear.

"In front of that man?" you giggle. "You want to show off even more?" Not giving him much time to react, you kiss him deeply, breaking with biting his lower lip as he tries to take control. "But I'm keeping this." Taking the toy, you give Hux a loud slap in the ass "And this is the first of many." Winking at him before walking away turns his ears red.

Ginger clears his throat and catches up to you. He wraps his arm around your waist possessively. 'Somebody needs to tame you.'

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