Chapter ten: Unintended Nights

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It was quiet and I know what you are thinking but I thought it was a good sign. So I grabbed Baxter's leash. Since my sight was gone again I like it this was but I didn't want to stay here. I wanted to leave. He barely gave me breathing room.  He was as cold hearted as before. if not more and I didnt like it.

He was a monster yet I was destined for him. It was w sick reality. I knew tonight was his night to hunt. It already I would like to think this was what he was doing but one could never know. As long as he was far away from me I was fine.

I could hear the crickets the closer I got to the door. It was like sweet music to my ears. As I approached the sound became lower and lower alerting me that they recognized the presence of a stranger. 

I was almost there. Almost out the door. Out the driveway. Out this hell hole. My hand met cool metal as I turned the bolts hearing the unnerving click. I could hear my heart beat in my ears and I swallowed. I don't know why I was so nervous. Why was I so scared?

I turned the knob and pulled only for the hairs in the back of my neck to stand and a cold wind blew past me slammed the door shut. Baxter whimpered and I knew who it was. Actually I knew who it was the moment my body tensed and the wind blew past me. it didnt take a psychic to decipher that much.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asked in my ears.

"I thought you were off hunting." I said.

"Why would I be off hunting when I have my beloved mate right here to supply all the blood I will ever need." He spoke. It was said with such venom that I almost recoiled. Almost. But I would never show him any weakness. He didn't deserve it.

"Mate? Where is she?" I asked only for him to spin me around with a growl.

"My patience is wearing thin. Get back into the house." He said.

"Or what? You're going to kill Me?" I taunted.

There was a long silence before my heart dropped as I was lifted onto his shoulder. Of course he would use this to is advantage. I grunted in annoyance and thrashed my legs.  I soon realized that it did nothing to help my situation.

"Let go of me." I said angrily.

"Hush. You are disturbing the owls." He said taking me back. I wished more than anything that I could say that I couldn't give a damn about any owls disturbed or otherwise. Buy what good would that do for me?

"Baxter?" I asked. I couldn't gear the slow panting or the sounds of claws scraping against the earth.

"He is already in the house. And If you try to escape again I will lock you in the room and not let you out without my supervision." He said.

"Why? What is the point? I am not your property and I am not you mate." I snap.

"Humans are so much trouble."He grumbled. I rolled my eyes. Vampires were even more trouble. Well this one was. I didn't come across vampires all the time....I don't think.

"Blood suckers are such trouble." I say to annoy him, making sure the use the same tone he used.

"Do not use that term ever." He snapped in my face. I could feel his face in mine and it was then that I realized that I was standing and he held me. I wanted to deny the little warmth that filled me but I couldn't. 

"You feel it."He whispered in my ear and I straitened my back.

"I suggest you play your games with someone else." I say and I could hear a slow growl in his chest. Just then The bell rung and I felt him freeze.

"Shit." He snapped and then a burst of air surrounded us and I felt myself get sick as if I was moving too fast and yet not at all. it was like the drop of a Rollercoaster  where you feel like you are floating.

"Stay in this room and dont come out do you hear me. I am taking Baxter so you cant even think of getting out. I will be back." He said.

Markos' POV

I growled as I closed the door. What were they doing here.   I knew they would sense her but if they could not see her they could not ask questions so that was what I was going for. 

"Son it took you long enough." My father spoke as he made his way inside. My mother and of course siblings were with them. The whole family. This was great. No it was annoying. I stared at them not giving them an explanation.

"Well ever the conversationalist dear brother." My dear sister Angelique spoke with a smirk. She knew I hated them to come uninvited and she always decided to tag along when they did.

"Hey brother where is the maid?" Fredrickson asked.  He was the youngest and simplest minded of the family.

"Never mind that. A little birdie told us you found your beloved."  My mother spoke.

"A bi-" I stopped when the a blue jay flew through the window and my mother gave a wave of her hands to transform her servant Sofie. I narrowed my eyes. Of course she would go and snitch to my mother. I should let Akrim scope the woods daily.

"She is asleep now and wont be down." I lie Of course they could tell I was lying but I wasnt shying away from them.

"Really brother. honestly you act as if we will devour her. We only want to meet her and make her feel welcomed." Fredrickson spoke.

"Well she isnt coming down. Maybe come back another time and next time call before you come." I said with little care for what they say.

"Look at what I found." A voice spoke and then there was Mario with my mate moving her head around trying to decipher where she was. I hissed kicking him into another wall and holding her against me. 

"What is going on?" Her voice tried to stay strong but it quivered at the end. I could hear Baxter having a fit sensing his master's distress.

"She is lovely. Come here dear let me see you closer. Look me in the ey-" My mother paused talking and I saw how she notice her moving her head around to get a better angle of her ear so that she could look or at least seem to look in her direction.

"Markos she is your mate. Why didnt you heal her?" She scowled at me.

"I tried. it worked but only for a few days maybe and then it wore off somehow." I replied.

"What is going on?" My mate asked from next me.

"Lets just all go take a seat." I sighed as I walked her to the living room which she didnt like at all.

"Go get Baxter and stop showing me around like i dont know where I am." She snapped. i gritted my teeth but left.


Hello wonderful fans. Here is something for the holidays. I will try my best to try to update more and I hlpe this can hold you over. L=I love you all and Happy holidays. And remember to...





and enjoy!!!!


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