Chapter Three: A week Later

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It hasn't been so bad. I mean he, him being my boss, he's just a mean person by nature. But I kind of liked it.

It was refreshing in a sense. He didn't pitty me and I truly believed he treated me like he would treat anyone else.

He had high expectations for me. And that was just swell. Although the house was weird in a sense.

I couldn't see of course but the walls. They felt different. Maybe because of their age. And then there was the item. And accessories. They seemed antique.

And then there was that occasional smell of blood and death. But I just brushed it off thinking it was just the wind blowing it in from outside.

It was an island. It was bound to smell like dead something because of the fish and or seagulls bringing in something.

"Baxter." I called.

I heard his covered paws pad its way into my room. I had to do something. I couldn't have him declawed. He needed them for digging and protecting himself and me if push came to shove.

But they were scratching up the floor that I had to polish and I wasn't about to polish them every day. That was time consuming. Once a month maybe. But everyday. I didn't think so.

So I decided to make him some home made booties. He didn't like them at first. In fact he kept taking them off. But after some bribery and pleading he kept them on.

I sat on the sofa in my room. I could feel the sun in my face and I reached over and found my book on my night stand. I opened the book to the page I left off and ran my fingers over the book. Each bump and sequences of bumps were equivent to a letter.

A small smile plastered on my face. The book I was reading at the moment was about this girl and her boss. She was a secretary and we all know how those books go.

I gasped along with the character and snapped the book closed. I would leave that scene for another time. Well if I could persuade myself to finish the story.

Sad as it was I found myself chickening out when it came to exotic scenes in books. And I was a grown ass woman.

Shaking that thought I closed my eyes and got up and pressed the button in my clock.

"It is twelve zero five pm" it said.

I walked down stairs about to start lunch. I was thinking about making a nice tossed salad and some pasta.

I hummed a little to myself while I made lunch occasionally throwing a piece of meat at Baxter every now and then.

"You know I'm not sure I like the thought of a dog in my kitchen." His voice said.

"Really? You haven't seem to mind before." I said.

"I can change my mind when ever I want to." He said.

I never said you couldn't sir." I said barely above a whisper.

I could feel a small smirk come on my lips.

"What's so funny?" He said.

"Well. There are many things that are funny to me. Like how This is the longest you have spoken to me since I got here yesterday. Or how I can hear and smell everyone else when they are near me but you seem to always sneak up on me. Of course these things I don't ponder on seeming as they are irrelevant." I said.

"Good. Because I don't pay you to think now do I?" He asked.

"No sir. You don't. But you also don't pay me not to think as well." I said.

I gasped as I felt him behind me. He gripped my waist and I felt his breath on my neck.

"You have such a smart mouth in you and that can get you into trouble. How about we put that mouth to use huh?" He asked in my ear.

I felt a shive go down my spine.

"Cat got your tongue?" He asked amused.

I hated when people laughed at me. I was not.put on this earth to be someones enjoyment. I was not a joke.

"Yea. Let's put it to good use like telling you to get your hands off of me and take five steps back." I said.

His muscles tensed up telling me he was shocked at my answer. I pushed him back with my butt although that wasn't such a good idea.

But who cares. I was not here for his entertainment. There were women in town to do that job for them. I'm sure by his voice he was a handsome man. And if he wasn't well he did have that dangerous aura around him. That always attracted some people.

And if all should fail his money would always get any woman desperate and gold digging enough. But I wasn't going to jeopardize my first job by acting irrational and being seduced to act like other women.

"I won't be eating lunch today." He said.

"Well that's fine with me sir. I'm sure Baxter will love your portion of the meal." I said.

"And I won't be eating dinner." He said.

I nodded letting him know I heard him. I heard a growl like sound coming from his direction and found it odd that a human would growl but hey. It was none of my business.

I resumed to hum a song and took one of hte two plates and walked to the kitchen door. I tilted it and heard the contents hit Baxter's bowl.

He wasnt bothering me none. It actually was less work for me to do around the house.

Although I got the faint notion that he was upset I couldn't seem why. I didn't talk back and I was polite despite his mean personality.

But I guess that was just him.

Sometimes I wish I could see his face well fill his face. To see it in my mind. To know what he looked like.

That was the only downfall of being blind. But what I lacked there I made up with in other things.

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