Chapter seven: Dont Touch Me! (Revised)

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I still couldnt believe what happened over a weel ago. And things have only gotten weirder. The dreams were back and even worse. I was starting to think that it wasnt a dream. But rhat would be stupid of me to think that.

Now couldnt sleep and it was dark. I could tell because the temperature dropped. So i decided to walk around in the mansion. I know its dangerous but what could have done. Despite that i felt like i was dojng the dumb blonde move in the horror movie.

It was dark really dark. I know what you are saying. its always dark to me. but no I meant it was cold. there was a chill in the air. A bad chill. I didn't like it at all. I wanted to leave. My dreams they felt too real. And it scared me that I wanted him. i didn't know who him was but i really wanted him.

Every night He would be in my dreams and we would make love. And every morning i would feel the extent of what we did. i would feel the bites and the marks.

"Did you enjoy it." A familiar voice asked. I jumped from suprise coming out of my thoughts.

What? What was he talking about?

"Enjoy what?" I asked.

"You aren't dumb. Im sure of that myself. I must tell you something however. Your taste is a little too innocent for your own good. Addictive even. I crave it every night. I can't stop myself." He said and I shivered. He was in my ear. And I didn't hear him come near me or even enter  for that matter.

"What are you talking about? I dont understand." I said.

"Did you think those were dreams? Every night we have sex. You love it. I thought it would be enough but I want more. Now I can have it." He said.

"W-what? How?" I asked.

I gasped as sharp teeth scraped my neck in that delicious way that I love so much. But that was unrealistic. My mind screamed to run. But there was a few delimas. Run where? And on top of that my body refused to move. It was as if he was controlling me.

I dropped the book I was reading and he picked me up wrapping my legs around his waist and then he kissed me hard.

"What's are you? This can't be happening." I said breathless however  his lips sucking my neck almost rendered me speechlesd.

"You know what I am. It has been in your mind since the very first night. You have always known. And you have scowled yourself." He said.

I gasped as he touched me. Not a simple touch. Touched me. My most intimate of places. A place where no one except in my dreams have been. Well where he has been.

"You scowled yourself because you actually like it. Like the monster I am. The monster you know I am. The one you try so hard to deny yet all the signs are there." He growled.

"N-no! Get away from me! Don't touch me!" I yelled. I struggled to get away from his grasp be he was so strong. Inhumanly strong. He would not budge as though he was a man of steel. I wanted to run and box my ears. Ignore the words he spoke and wished that this was a dream. That it was a nightmare because at least then I knew that I could wake up.

I hated I couldn't see who was touching me. What he was. How he looked. I don't know if it was because I needed to see these things or that I wanted to. Or maybe both. I couldn't fathom the reason of this. I hope it was  just instinct. But I fear that it had more to do with the unwanted fire burning  within me.

"Never going to happen. As of this moment.... You are mine." He said and I cried out in both pain and pleasure as he bite my neck. Actually bit me.

I trashed around but he held me even tighter. So tight it felt as though he would break my ribs and fold me in half. I screamed as he bore his teeth further yet I found myself slowly drifting under his spell and moaned in pleasure. He pulled away and i cried out in both pain and pleasure.

"Now see love. Now was that so hard? No." He said and licked the wound he made. Or so I assumed from the wet yet stinging sensation I felt.

"W-what are you?!" I yelled.

"Cara you know that. Say it." He taunted. But I  refused to even entertain the thought.

I gasped as he violently shoved two fingers deep in my core. Rolling straight through the fabric of my pants. It hurt badly but it was also pleasurable. And I was ashamed. Ashamed that I was meeting his now gentle  stroking with my own hips thrusting. My high coming quickly.

"Say it." He ordered  huskily  and stopped. No he couldn't stop. It felt to g-

"Oh god!" I screamed. I threw my head to the ceiling loving the feel of him inside me. Common sense popped in once whispering one word in my mind. Whore. I grasped it for as long as I could. It throwing  ice cold water over me. But he wouldn't let me keep it long before  he growled.

"Say it!" He yelled.

"Vampire!" I screamed both angered and pleasured.

I can't believe that I just had sex with my boss. And that I admitted he was a vampire. And also I had sex with a vampire. What was I thinking. It was unholy. Yet like every other cliche I let him do this. My blindness could not be an excuse.

My boss was a vampire and i just had sex with him. Wait ive been having sex with him. What have i gotten myself into. I froze gasping as i felt a sensation i could not explain come upon me. I gelt like i couldnt breathe and something was crushing my lungs.

"H-help." i cried out.

"Shhh. The doctor is on his way. Just dont panic." he said.

But i couldnt hear him any longer. My head felt like it was being stomped on. Then i felt as if i was drifting off into an abyss. A deep dark abyss. It caressed my skin. Rocked me in itd motherly embrace. The whispered and groans came toghether in a sickly sweet lullaby.

A piercing pain soared through her body torturing her along with the sound of a blood curdling scream.

Ibwas going to update next week but i decided to do two today. You can thank me later lol. But hope you enjoy.

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