Chapter 6

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I waited a good three hours for a reply and when my phone finally lit up with a response, I found myself feeling very nervous. Was she going to go completely fangirl on me and freak out? Was she going to tell me everything was my fault? I opened her message and was relieved when I saw neither of those responses. It was short, sweet, and simple.

I'm all ears.

I took a deep breath and began to type. How do girls handle a break up? Is it really like they show it in the movies?

This time the response was lightnening fast. No lol when I got broken up with I mostly just sat in my room and cried thinking it was my fault, even though it wasn't. Everyone reacts differently to situations in life.

I sat there and took this into consideration. I hurt Her. She probably never wanted to see me again and I am sitting here still alive and in love with her. How is this fair at all? the more I thought about how she might have reacted to the breakup, the more I wish I could trade places with her. I'd give anything to have her back for even a single moment, if it meant she could be happy.

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