And How Long Have You Known Me?

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Hey Y'all. That makes me sound really country or just southern. And I'm only one of those when I go to visit my fam. Anyway, Here's the new chapter!!!


A breif recap, as if you needed it:

Mom, Wyatt and I moved in with our dad. Boxes are unpacked. That night my parents have loud passionate sex that makes me actually want to jump off a cliff. They are so loud, my little brother comes and sleeps in my room where we blast emo music from my phone. Got it?

And now to the newest chapter in my life...


I awoke to my bro jumping on the edge of my bed.

"Wyatt, knock it off." I grumbled and turned over in my blanket, the only blanket on the bed. Wyatt's blanket was in a heap on the floor.

"No, I don't wanna!" He yelled, still jumping.

"Wyatt, I swear on your life. If you don't stop jumping on my bed, I will shove your face into the toilet."


"Oh really?" I tured over to face him

"Yeah really." still motherfucking bouncing

"Then watch me." I untangled myself fro my blanket and grabbed him by the ankles. Then I dragged him from my bed, through my door, around the railing and into the bathroom. I grabbed him by his hair on the top and the back of his head.

 "Say I won't." I fucking dared him to. and After a momment of silence, "You... Won't" He strained. The little fucker stuck out his tongue out at me.He had balls, I had to admit that much. In a non-incesty way. That's gross

So on my part of the "deal", I pushed his head in the toilet water. His face my a satisfiying splash. A sort of music to my ears. My sick twisted ears...

 "Tailia Rose McGregory, what the hell are you doing to your little brother?!!?" She yelled at the to of her lungs.

I rolled my eyes then turned my head towards her, "I'm just giving him a closer look at where he missed." I lied. "How else are you supposed to train a dog withot putting their nose in it?" I shrugged and lifted his head from the bowl and shrugged.

"Nuh-uh! She put my head in the toilet!" I could he was crying even with his face all wet.

"Shut up. Liar." I said. The liar calling the small child a liar. Real mature.

"Tailia, let him go." she ordered, rubbing her temples with her fingertips.

  I did as she said and Wyatt bolted over to her and clung to her leg. He stuck his tongue out at me again. I jumped at the little fucker and he fell on his back on his ass and ran out the bathroom crying harder than before. I couldn't help but laugh.

"You can't do these mentally scarring things to your little brother."

"So it woudl've been different if he was the older one?" I asked, getting up from my crouched position

"No, that would just be sad." she sighed

"And you scarred both of us last night." She seriously did

She blushed, "I have no idea what your're talking about..." she trailed off

"Yeah, uh-huh." I dismissed it, talking about my parents sex life is a fate worse than dying while masturbating. I decided to skip that, "If you keep bailing him out, he won't learn to stand up for himself." I put my hands on my hips.

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