Chapter Four

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The shadow swept over me. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out. Just the swirling blackness swept inside, the saltiness of the water burning its way down my throat and into my lungs. My hands clawed in vain for something to hold onto but the water just passed between my fingers.

Where was Adele? Where was she? I opened my eyes to look for her but the water had left me blind. I remembered standing next to her on the cliff. Talking. And then the push. It was her. She had pushed me into this. She had carelessly thrown me into the storm-ridden sea and to my soon-to-be watery grave.

If I survived, I vowed, I would hunt her down and rip every single bloody, selfish blonde strand from her bloody, selfish head.

But first, I needed to survive. Something easier said than done. My legs began to kick back at the water, pushing me a little further in the (what I could only hope) right direction. The jeans I had pulled on in haste this morning, were saturated and heavy. My sandals were somehow no longer on my feet. With much regret and one hand, I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them off. It took a lot of strength to do it but, as I watched them sink away into nothing, I realised it was the right thing to do. Kicking was now so much simpler. I managed to pull myself up towards the surface where I was greeted by grey clouds and a much quieter sea.

The sea was fully calm when I caught my first glance of emerald green land. What started off as a small dot grew and grew until I could just hear the familiar sound of traffic and smell the delicious aroma of human. My hands hit ground first as they sunk into the wet sand. The sight of me, half-naked and wet, crawling out of the sea certainly caused a small commotion on the small but well-populated beach.

Just out of the water, I collapsed onto the warm sand and watched the crowd of humans circling me like curious puppies. The swim had cost me too much of my energy and I was far too drained to just leap up and feed off of them. They stood over me, gabbling away in French, whilst I coughed and stared at them through half closed eyes.

A familiar blonde head soon appeared though, her hair floating in the breeze like a halo. I could just barely remember her name and a small beacon of hope appeared inside of me.

“She’s with me,” she cried, reaching down to help me up. “Elle est avec moi!”

Supporting my body weight on her shoulder, she half-dragged half-assisted me up the beach and away from the swarms of people.

“I told you that you could swim, didn’t I?” Adele breathed into my ear, pulling me towards a beach hut and out of the blinding afternoon sun. The beacon of hope turned to anger.

“You… pushed me… into the… sea… I could… have died… bitch.” I whispered back between coughs.

“Vampires don’t drown. Nor do they drink sea water either. Really, Gabriella, it’s like raising a five-year-old…”

“You push me off a cliff and compare me to a five-year-old!” I exclaimed, after spitting out the remainder of the sea water. Though I was still too weak to walk, the anger gave me enough energy to growl. “Oh, jeez, thanks. Most five-year-olds don’t get pushed off of cliffs either!”

“Get over it, Gabriella. You swam, didn’t you? Perhaps your parents should have done the same to you. And anyway, don’t have a go at me just yet. I’ve got you a little present.”

And with that, she pulled me into a little beach hut that turned out to be the lifeguard station. A tall, tanned, blonde guy stood there, leaning over a computer. At first, he looked like a regular doctor with a white lab coat and a stethoscope oh-so-casually wrapped around his neck but then, after a double take, I noticed that under the lab coat was just a pair of orange swimming trunks and a muscly, hairless chest. He turned to look at us before visibly jumping at the sight of me.

That was the moment when I remembered my jeans were somewhere at the bottom of the English Channel. At least today was the day when I chose to wear bright red lacy knickers.

He rushed over to me and pulled me carefully from Adele, wrapping his right arm underneath my thighs and carried me over to a little examination bed where he laid me out as gently as a new-born baby.

“You’ve caused quite a stir, Miss… Gabriella, is it?” He said, in clear but accented English. “Your friend almost had us out on boats looking for you. Swimming the Channel is for more experienced swimmers and today must just be your lucky day.” He pulled the stethoscope off of his broad shoulders and placed it onto my chest.

As he leant over me, I caught the beautiful masculine aroma of sweat, sand and, above all, sunshine. This was a boy who reeked of the Sun from his warm skin to his bleached hair. As he examined my heartbeat (or lack of it), his coat fell away, revealing a long, muscular neck. I watched, with growing hunger and desperation at the slight rise of his carotid artery.

“That’s funny,” he murmured, looking at the stethoscope with a puzzled expression. “I can’t seem to find a… well that would be impossible… Stay still please. You must recollect your energy.” He added me, watching me attempt to sit up.

Adele watched this scene, sitting in the corner with a sweet, little smile on her face. She watched surfer-doctor with a predatory fixation and her eyes followed him around the room as a cat would watch a mouse.

“Miss Adele, you are shivering,” the doctor exclaimed, turning his attention away from me. “You really must remove your wet clothing. I believe I have some dry stuff available.”

“Anything you say, doctor,” she whispered seductively, pulling off her soaking wet t-shirt and shorts with not a hint of modesty in front of the doctor and me. And I had thought my knickers were risqué. I forgot that Adele was no stranger to Agent Provocateur.

She stood up and walked towards the gormless guy before shoving her wet clothes into his open arms. Standing up onto her tip-toes, she whispered something in his ear. A drunken smile crossed his lips as he gave her one clumsy nod of the head.

Suddenly, Adele’s lips were at his neck. The smile was gone replaced by a silent scream of horror. Adele’s jaws opened after a moment and, with her cheeks bulging like a hamster, she leant over me and spat the warm blood into my mouth.

Too desperate to be grossed out, the blood swept down my throat and a sudden wave of energy took control. I leapt from the uncomfortable bed and landed on all fours on the floor next to the groaning doctor. Placing my lips at his throat, I too began to drink from the wound. Adele sat cross-legged next to me, drinking from the man’s limp wrist. In only a matter of minutes, the doctor was dead and we were revitalised.

Adele simply stood up and began raking through the hut, looking for money and dry clothing. She threw me a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, just small enough to fit me. I pulled them on quickly, careful not to stand on the corpse.

After pocketing over a hundred Euros and dressing up as lifeguards, we exited the little hut, leaving our piles of wet clothes and the body. Just before we left, Adele poured some brandy she found in a cupboard all over the floor and the doctor. Lurking in the shadows to make sure we weren’t seen, she pulled out a cigarette lighter and clicked it, producing a small orange flame. With a casual look over her shoulders, she threw the lighter through the open window.

“Time to run.”

We made it off the sand before the wooden hut exploded into a great fireball. A shower of wood and debris covered us. The beach stood silent for a moment before erupting into panic and screams. I turned to Adele, casually removing shards of wood from her long blonde hair.

“Welcome to France, little one. You know how I like to start things off with a bang,” she laughed before grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards Paris.



Apologies that this is a dumb chapter. I know it’s not that big and I know it’s not that great. I had to admit I rushed it in my sudden desperation to move things on. Please don’t hate me for it. And I am really sorry I haven’t uploaded in ages! I will get better I promise.

Paris shall be interesting I promise. I already am buzzing with ideas and of all the new characters we shall meet along the way. So stay tuned, have fun, stay safe and of course vote, comment and fan. Love you all so much :D

Ethereal Kiss {Lesbian Vampire Romance} [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now