Chapter Five

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Paris was everything I had dreamed it would be and perhaps even a lot more. The city was a bustling hive of energy with people (and the occasional vampire) dashing here and there. The journey had taken both of us almost three days to complete and we were ravenous by the time we arrived. Our stolen clothes were no longer in a pristine condition and it felt good being able to rip them off and replace them with shop-bought things. Whilst Adele stuck to a feminine summer dress, I chose a pair of dark jeans and a t-shirt advertising a band I had always loved.

“The Venom-Filled Hearts?” Adele wrinkled her nose up at my choice of attire. “Music is certainly changing.”

“I used to listen to them when I was… younger,” I said, as we walked down the busy street. “Fae Matthews was the lead singer of Autumn Massacre before they split and she then joined Hearts. She’s the one with the bright pink hair.” I added, pointing at the figure on my t-shirt, screaming into a microphone.

“If I wanted to hear humans scream along to music, I wouldn’t buy a CD. I’d hunt down orchestras.”

“CD? You really have been hiding out in the forest for too long, Adele. Everyone knows it’s all about downloads now,” came a voice from behind us.

We both turned around within the blink of the eye. The owner of the voice, a woman, stood just a few feet behind us. She was about my height with bushy brown hair that fell below her shoulders and large eyes surrounded by the most beautiful eyelashes I had ever seen. Her skin colour was as pale as mine and her eyes had a familiar glow to them.


Trying to hide the anxiety in my face, I took a cautious step back. The woman did not seem to notice meat all. Her eyes were fixated on Adele and she wore a coy smile on her face. I turned to look at Adele. She would know what to do. But her eyes never left the stranger’s.

“I never imagined that you would return, Adele,” she whispered, her voice low enough for only us to hear. “And I never imagined you would bring along baggage.”

“Her name is Gabriella and she is not baggage, Emilia. She is… my progeny.”

“Progeny? Don’t tell me you reproduced? Has hell frozen over? Fair Adele. Making herself some companions. You were never that much of a social creature, were you? Shadowy Adele, more like. Unless…” Emilia’s smile grew. “You’ve got yourself a new fuck buddy.”

Involuntarily, I hissed and glared at her. Fuck buddy? Adele turned to me and glowered at me. Keep control of your emotions. Her voice was once again in my head. Avoiding both of their eyes, I looked down at the pavement.

“She’s a sweet, little thing but I do love her temper. The young ones are always the most fun to play with. But if I was you though, Adele, I’d keep her on a tighter leash. Dragomir likes us to keep on our best behaviour when we’re in a certain radius of him. However he’d be interested to hear of your return.”

“Dragomir? Is Vladimir still in charge? I thought that he died during the Blitz. Wasn’t the London headquarters bombed?”

“Unfortunately it was but fortunately, for me at least, most of the court was away from the city. Many good vampires however did meet their final death, including Queen Anna Maria, but his majesty survived through sheer luck. The bomb contained a high amount of silver and sadly, he still bears the scars from that night. He has since moved his court to Paris.”

“I am pleased to hear he is still with us,” replied Adele, formally. “Please send him my regards. He was always a good friend of mine.”

“Send it yourself,” smirked Emilia. “You’ll probably be summoned in a few days’ time. The king always likes to greet visitors and your arrival will certainly be a blast from the past.” And with a quick look at me, Emilia turned around and vanished down a side street.

Ethereal Kiss {Lesbian Vampire Romance} [ON HOLD]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora