Chapter Three

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*Okay so I had my iPod on and I was just playing random music and some of the songs felt really part of chapter three so I thought I might as well write them down:

Playlist for Chapter Three:

Keane- Is it any wonder?

Robert Pattinson-Let me sign

Lady Gaga- Love Games

This chapter contains a small sexy scene between the two leading ladies. It isn't (in my opinion) that graphic but if you don't want to read it, then just skip this chapter. I will add a small recap on the front of the next chapter. Anyway enjoy, fan, comment and, as ever, vote! :D


Two days passed before Adele woke up. Two days I spent by her side, refusing to let go of her hand. Her dreams were wild, changing and blurring, too fast to recognise. At times, she cried out. Screamed even. She called out names: “Francis”, “Father” and “Elisabeth”. Mostly Elisabeth. Her face swam through the white clouds. Adele would scream for her, rolling around on the dead leaves, her hand reaching out but only catching air.

Who was this Elisabeth? Adele had never mentioned her to me. It was only in the memory did I find out about her. I felt confused and slightly angry. Why would Adele never tell me about her? What even happened to her? Was this a case of awkward partner-learns-about-ex moment? I remembered the girl’s face as she put Adele down. How could Adele even stand her? She was a complete bitch in my opinion but I knew Adele could never see her that way. If she had loved a bitch before, then could this make me a bitch? At times, you didn’t need a telepathic link between us to know how she felt about me. Like my mom used to say: one look could equal a thousand emotions or something like that.

I mean, when I was human, I never tried to be a bitch. I was neither a popular girl nor a social outcast. I was just… in the middle, I guess.  I dressed like an emo. I had the side fringe hairstyle which I had been dying black since my 13th birthday. I wore prescription glasses although I managed to persuade my mom to buy them in the nerd style. Though I was English, born and raised in Cheshire, I used American slang that I picked up from books and TV shows I watched. People thought it was odd when I used the word “split” for leaving and “mom” to describe my mother. But people seemed to like me. I had a close group of best friends and I had the odd crush. I pulled in good grades and I helped people when I could. Not that I was a saint. I looked down on people who I stereotyped as sluts and slags because they dressed a certain way. I doodled on my arms in Geography class when I should really have been learning about cliff erosion. I dreamed of having the guts to cut class and sneak out into town.

But I had and would never treat someone like Elisabeth had treated Adele.

Thinking about my old life made me sad. Although perhaps sad was an understatement. I missed everything about it. My old bedroom, my mom’s cooking, my cat. Adele warned me not to look back. She told me that the past would hurt too much. I was lucky, she would say, I had the possibility of forgetting my past existence. I was not plagued with the “dreams” like she was. But I still could not leave them behind.

It was not as if Adele was stopping me from returning back to them. She kept her eye on me but she would never physically stop me from leaving. Even now, whilst she remained out of it, I could go. To prove this to myself, I placed her hand down on the leaves and stood up, stretching out my muscles as I did so. I then turned and headed through the trees. Maybe it was possible. Maybe I could return.


The sudden mention of my name made me turn. Adele was slowly beginning to stir, her eyelids opening slowly.

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