Chapter 10- The Game of Life

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Chapter 10-


We walked out of the room hand in hand.

We walked pass the living room where Zayn was, and when he saw us, he just smirked.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

"You two offical now?" He asked.

"Yes we are" Harry said.

We walked into the kitchen where Niall (obviously), Chloe, Liam, Chloe, and Louis were.

"What's going on here????" Chloe asked.

Harry nodded at me.

"We're together." I said.

"ABOUT TIME, WOMAN!!!!!!!!!" Chloe said. I just laughed.

I let go of Harry's hand and ran over and jumped on the couch.

"Weeeeeeeeeee!!!!!" I yelled.

They laughed.

"I'm bored!!!!!!" I said

"Well, what do you want to do?" Liam asked.

"Um... The Game of Life!!!!" I said.

We got the game out and set it out.

Car colors:

Hallie: Yellow

Chloe: Purple

Louis: Green

Niall: Orange

Liam: Red

Harry: Blue

Zayn: White

"I go first" I yelled.

I spun and I got an 8. "Hmmm... collage!" I said "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8!" I Muttered. 'graduate! LIFE' "yes! first life of the game!'' Chloe spun. "Collage...3... Make friends for life! LIFE!" we high fived. Louis spun. "Collage, 5... WHAT?!?!? SPRINGBREAK IN FLORIDA PAY $20,000?!? BUT I DON'T WANT TO GO TO FLORIDA!!!!'' "Haahahaha!" we laughed. Louis payed and Niall spun. "College, 1, pay for books and splies... $10,000! But that's not fair! I have the money to get my own books!"

Liam spun. he landed on the same space i did. Graduate LIFE. "hey! we both graduated!' i told him. Harry spun. "Collage, 4... Turn in late ensign meant miss next turn. Wait. What!? that's not fair!"

Zayn spun. "Am I seriously the only one whose doing career?" "Yep!" "oh. Um... can someone fan the cards out to me?" I fanned the career cards out and he picked 3. Athlete, performer?, hair dresser. "Athlete!" he then spun and got a 5 "Pay day!" Liam handed him a 50,000 bill and a 10,000 bill.

"My turn!" I said. I got a ten. 'Stop' pick collage career. Chloe fanned the cards out and I Got lawyer, accountant, and veterinarian. "Lawyer!" I choose. Chloe went and got an 8. I fanned the collage career cards out at her and she got Doctor. Niall got a one. "Make friends for life LIFE!" Louis got a 7. Liam fanned the cards out and he got veterinarian. Liam got a 9 and Louis fanned them out. Liam got accountant. "Do I get to go?" harry asked. "no." Liam said, "You missed a turn!" harry pouted.

Zayn got a 2 and got vollenteer at soup kitchen LIFE. It was my turn again and I got adopt animal from shelter LIFE Liam handed me 2 20,000s and 1 50,000 cause I passed payday. Chloe got payday, so she got an 100,000 bill. Niall got an 8 so Harry fanned the cards out. Niall got Actor.

Liam went and he got Engagement party! LIFE! He got his 70,000 and a life. Harry went and got a 6 so Niall fanned the cards out and Harry got teacher. "But I don't want to be a teacher it's the lowest paying job!" just then my phone rang.

"Sorry, I have to take this." I took out my iPhone an pressed answer. "Hello?"


"Hello?" Hallie answered her phone.

"Hey, mom!" she said. everyone was stating at her.

"What?" she said.


Tears were in her eyes.

"I'll be there as soon as I can."

Hallie was pale now and a tear was rolling down her cheek.

"Bye Mom. love you." she hung up.

She was about to start pouring tears.

"Sorry for the interruption." We nodded as meaning,'It's ok'.

"Sorry guys. But I have to go." she said tears rolling down her cheeks. And she ran out the door.


Hey guys! sorry for the Way late update!

What do you think is wrong with Hallie?

I want to send a shout out to everyone who reads, votes, and comments on my books! but of corse I can't. It would take forever.

But all I can say is, Thank you!

You're the reason their is this book! and a special thanks for everybody who reads the authors note!

Thank you!





Thanks once again!

- Dreamer_15

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