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Don in the multimedia

I couldn't concentrate on Gregory. My mind was stuck on the kiss that Reece and I shared. I wanted to forget all about it but I couldn't and for some reason I found myself thinking about it and him. I missed him. This was probably the longest I went without talking to Reece. It had been a week since. I've seen him around but we never speak to one another. It messes with my head because Reece was the only one I really spoke to in this town beside my brother.

"Get him out your head, Brian." I told myself. I finally had Gregory alone and I was so god damn side tracked.

I pulled the sniper rifle out of the duffel bag and set it up. I aimed at Gregory through the window. Now.

I pressured the trigger and the bullet went through the window and into Gregory's chest. It hit him right where I wanted it to. His heart. I placed the sniper back in the bag and walked inside of Gregory's home. I found his lifeless body on the floor. A pool of blood started to surround him.

I went for my phone and called Don.

"Can you send the cleaners to 55 Dawson Street?"

"Of course."

I took a seat on the couch, right above the body. Waiting for the cleaners usually took a little bit of time but Dawson Street was so far away from Don's place.

Suddenly, the sound of police sirens began to ring in my ear. I looked outside to see two police cars driving down the street.

"FUCK!" I yelled out in aggravation.

I grabbed the bag and sprinted out the back door. After hopping hopping the fence, I ran down the road and away from the neighborhood.

Several minutes later, I was in the back of an taxi on my way to Don's place. I had texted him to let him know that somehow the cops got there before his cleaners. I honestly don't know how the cops got there so quickly.

"That's thirty dollars." The taxi driver said as he pulled up to Don's place.

I handed him the money and hopped out the car. Walking up to the door, I searched for a key in my pocket. Don had given me a key because he 'trust' me.

Once inside, a strong smell of something burning hit me right in the face. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that it wasn't some nincompoop in the kitchen burning food. I headed upstairs to Don's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Don said.

I opened the door and walked in.

"Come and sit." Don said.

I did as told and sat in the chair in front of his desk. He went in his drawers and pulled out a thick envelope.

"There's your pay." He went back in his drawers and pulled out a thin folder, "and there's your next mission."

"That's all?"

"Excuse me?"

"That's all? What about earlier tonight? The police got there before your men." I stated.

"I know. You better hope and pray they don't find anything that leaks you to the murder." Don took a puff from his cigar and then blew the smoke out.


"Is there a problem?"

Yes. There was a big problem. I just killed Gregory for this guy and he basically tells me I'm on my own when the cops get there.

Instead of saying that though, I shake my head no.

After grabbing the envelope and the folder, I walked out of the room. I shouldn't have thought that Don would take care of the situation, I was nothing but a hitman to him. As I made my way out of the building, Reece caught my eye. He was sitting on the couch next to Harry. The two were laughing at something like it was the funniest thing in the world.

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