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Brian in the Multimedia

I've kept Chuck with me a lot more since the incident that happened two weeks ago. His face has healed properly. Idris hasn't been in the house since the incident which I'm thankful as hell for.

I was helping Chuck with his homework when I heard someone knock on the door downstairs. It surprised Chuck and I because nobody ever comes over.

"I'll be right back." I told Chuck before getting up and heading downstairs.

I opened the door and there's this man standing there. He's got on a suit. He looked Spanish or something similar to that race. His eyes were the color of mine, light green. He looked like he lived at the gym. I've seen this guy somewhere before but I can't put my finger on it.

"Excuse me but is Idris here?" He asked.
I shook my head.

"Are you related to Chuck?" He asked.

"Yeah. His older brother." I replied.

"I'm his teacher Mr. Cain. I've noticed that he comes to school with bruises a lot and I just wanted to make sure that everything is okay at his home." He stated.

He came here to check up on Chuck? Now this was my chance. I could tell this guy that everything isn't okay and to take Chuck with him. But then there's Idris. He'll find a way to get Chuck back anyway. He always does. We're nothing but rebellious teenagers to the court so why even bother?

"Yeah everything's okay. He's just clumsy is all." I turned and point to the staircase. "He fell down those bad boys right there."

He gave me a weird look and said"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm also sorry for wasting your time I just had to check myself. I care about my students."

I swallowed my spit and forced a smile. "It's all good. Bye."

He turned to leave and then stopped. He looked back at me. "I really do care about Chuck. A lot." Then he left.

I closed the door and turned around. Chuck was sitting on the steps.

'What did he want?' He signed.

"Nothing. You tell him a lot of things, Chuck?" I asked.

'Yeah. He's like the father I never had.'

I nodded, "Come on so we can finish your homework."


"Bombs go boom, bitch!" Harry shouted

He was watching stuff explode on TV. I've noticed that he likes stuff like that. Violence and loud things. It's like Harry is a sociopath or something.

"Brian. Just the man I wanted to see, Don's got a job for you." Venus said.

He motioned for me to follow him. I did follow him. He lead me to a big red door with a gold knob. There was a key pad next to the door. He tells me to turn around so he can put in the code. When he finished he opened the door and lead me inside of the room. Don was sitting at a desk smoking a Ring Gauge cigar watching The Looney Tunes on the big flat screen TV on the wall.

"He's here boss." Venus said.

Don doesn't turn to me.

"Sit." He simply said.

I do as told and sit down in the chair In front of his desk. He pulled out a thin portfolio and threw it on the desk, still keeping his eyes on the TV.

"This is your first task to complete. Harry will accompany you to make sure that it's fulfilled." Don stated. He then handed me a 9mm pistol. "You may leave."

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