23. Distractions in Diagon Alley

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“We all want to fall in love. Why? Because that experience makes us feel completely alive. Where every sense is heightened, every emotion is magnified, our everyday reality is shattered and we are flying into the heavens. It may only last a moment, and hour, an afternoon. But that doesn’t diminish its value. Because we are left with memories that we treasure for the rest of our lives.”



“DRACO MALFOY! How many times do I have to tell you? Stop hiding food in the lounge! I’m not going to eat it on you.” She held up a box of apple muesli bars. Teeth and claw marks were visible over the colourful labelling. “I can’t say the same for Crookshanks, I’m afraid.”

Draco lazily flicked over a page of his magazine, slurping loudly on his pumpkin juice. “That cat still lives here?” he asked absently, not meeting her penetrating glare. 

“Did you hear a word of what I just said?” she demanded.

“Granger, if it weren’t for your silencing charm, I’d say the whole floor heard you.”

Hermione bristled as he smirked. Really, he never got tired of irritating her, did he? A normal person would have grown bored of that by now, but oh no, not him.  

“Get ready,” she snapped, whirling around.

Draco’s head came up, the straw still in his mouth and dripping droplets of juice on the table. “What for?” 

“Shopping,” Hermione replied warily, having told him twice already this morning.

“You’re not my mother,” mumbled Draco, rather defensively.

“Your washed clothes are on your bed. Pick something out from there,” she called before shutting her bedroom door.

“Thank you!” she heard him yell back.


Blaise was ten minutes late. Pansy was fifteen. Usually this would annoy Draco, but it was worth it just to see the look of pure agitation on Granger’s face. She gnawed at her lip, tapped her foot, and let out a frustrated breath every two minutes. He didn’t know why he counted how often she did that. Nor did he understand why it humoured him.

They waited that extra five minutes for Pansy, and when she showed all four set off down Diagon Alley. As Draco had experienced many, many times when his mother had dragged his protesting self along shopping, Blaise, Pansy and Granger all became sidetracked, like his mother always did, and so they did not stop right away at Madam Malkin's as planned. First, Pansy dragged them all into Twilfit & Tatting's, where she spent half an hour gushing over the accessories there. When Granger suggested she buy her dress there, Pansy said in a firm tone that Twilfit & Tatting's was not a place to buy formal wear because the fabrics ‘snagged’ easily. When she began chatting up the store clerk, Blaise dragged her away, his face set in a way that had Draco glancing at him curiously. Second, Blaise pulled them all into the Magical Menagerie. He spent what felt like forever gushing over a giant jewel-encrusted tortoise and then, worst of all, Granger, who had been biting back disapproving remarks ever since Pansy and Blaise had shown up late, finally gave in and also began going all soft and cutesy with a cluster of Pygmy Puffs. Eventually Granger brought an electric blue one and Blaise got a transforming rabbit. As they continued on down the street, Draco couldn’t help notice how Blaise’s eyes remained on his new pet and nothing else. This wouldn’t have made him suspicious if Blaise was thoroughly amused by it, but when the rabbit changed into a large top hat and back again, Blaise continued to stare without the slightest interest. This was odd.

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