Chapter one - Nice to meet you

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Do you have any idea what it's like living in a place all alone, all the time? No, of course not. Most normal people live in a reasonably sized house, on a decent sized street with a normal sized family. Trust me, you're the lucky ones. I've been living in my own little hut in a small woodland area in the south of Wales. That's in Britain for everyone out there that didn't pay any attention in geography.

But thankfully I got saved from my own life and taken to my fate. It was hard but I found out who I was. Now I'm okay with it and I'm willing to tell you my story.

Oh, yeah. I'm Willow by the way. Not that anyone cares. There are 6.974 billion people living on Earth, or that's what it was in 2011, and I guarantee, no one ever thinks about me. I mean why should you, I'm only the reason you're all alive. I know it sounds crazy, and it did to me when I got told, but if I can live with it so can you.

It all started when I was nineteen. I was still living in my hut back then. Life was pretty simple and I didn't have to worry about much. Unlike every other nineteen year old in the world, I wasn't busy with university or finding a job. The only thing I had to worry about was myself. Not a single other person. I lived on my own, and as far as I remember I always had. I don't recall having any parents, nor do i recall siblings. But that didn't bother me, can't miss what I've never had. 

But anyway enough of the family rubbish. I had been living in my hut. Don't ask how I got there because I don't remember. As far as I know I've always lived here since I was born and as no one has ever been around to question it, that's the idea I was sticking with. I don't know what it was about that hut, I mean I know it wasn't a house, but to me it was a home. I wouldn't swap it for a pile of bricks or a comfy bed. I was perfectly happy on my own.

I know what you're thinking. A nineteen year old girl that had lived on her own all her life. Surely she'd die of boredom. The truth is, I had animals. No, I'm not crazy before you ask, I just have a connection with animals. The come and look after me. They bring me berries and vegetables from nearby farms. They make sure I don't die, okay, yeah I see how it could sound crazy but it's not. They also keep me company. Deer and birds come and visit me. Okay, as I write this I realize how crazy it actually sounds.

But if you think that's crazy you might as well just stop reading here as this is just going to get crazier. And one thing which makes it crazier is my "abilities". That's what I called them anyway. I could make plants grow even in the worst conditions. I once made a single poppy grow out of a pot of sand. Don't ask me how and don't bother asking me to do it again because it tired me out and made me very ill. I'm guessing my now you think I'm a lunatic but I'm really not.

My hut was nice. It was cold in the winter, but i never didn't like it. It was built out of natural materials like bamboo shoots and big leaves. The floor was covered in soft moss and grass. Before you become all pompous saying "Oh bamboo doesn't grow in Wales." Trust me it does when I'm around. It created a sturdy home that was able to withstand the horrible welsh weather, and I was proud of it. Don't get me wrong every spring I had to fix the walls with new leaves, but all in all it was good for me. 

The woodland area I lived in was only small, but somehow I hadn't been found in the nineteen years I'd lived there so it obviously wan't that small. It wasn't secluded but it wasn't in the centre of a big city. It had fields around it but I never went far from my hut. It wasn't that I didn't like other people, I just wouldn't fit in. 

After having no human friends in my life...ever, I doubted I would be very good meeting people. For one thing I didn't exactly dress appropriately. My clothes weren't terrible as I'd had years of practice in how to make clothes out out of leaves. But you won't see the items hitting the catwalk any time soon. Before you start thinking it's all beautiful to live in nature like Adam and Eve in the Bible. It's not. And I mean it's really not. There are bugs, not that they really bother me. It's cold which as I'm sure you are can be very cold in Britain. But worse than all it was boring. Yes I had my animals to play with but apart from that there isn't much else I can do.

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