Chapter 18

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Marilyn POV

"So... you're telling us that you've found nothing?" Jax sighed, sounding almost as disappointed as I felt.

Oh Twiggy, where are you?

"Not since our last search." Detective Harley frowned. "And ours isn't the only precinct searching."

We were all gathered in my living room; most of us were sat on the floor as the sofa and armchair were occupied.

"Is there anything else we can do?" Pogo asked.

Detective Harley raked his hands through his hair, and I noticed then that he too had rather large purple bags under his eyes. His skin looked shockingly pale, almost waxy.

"I would like to go through your statements again, back at the precinct. There has to be something that we're missing."

"We are aware of what's missing." My dad finally spoke up, sounding annoyed.

All eyes went to his face, which was reddening in anger.

"You promised my son and his friends help," He continued. "And you came here tonight with nothing!"

"Hugh!" Barbara hissed.

"No!" He cut her off. "Going over their statements is only going to waste time! I think they've relived the event enough, don't you? How about you go back to the station and come up with something that's actually going to bring Jeordie back."


Detective Harley watched my dad, coolly; his worn eyes never left his face.

"What do you suggest we do next, Mr Warner?" He asked quietly.

My dad looked shocked for a moment, and his mouth opened and closed stupidly as he fought to come up with the right words.

"Your job." He said finally.

Detective Harley didn't reply for a long moment, but his cool expression never faltered. He remained watching my father's face in a calculating manner, before speaking again.

"Mr Warner..." He began carefully. "I believe I owe you an apology."

Everyone looked rather puzzled at that.

"I am supposed to be looking for Twiggy. I am supposed to be bringing him back. Yet here I am, asking your son and his friends to tell me something they've already gone over a fair amount of times. I'm very sorry, this is painfully slow. I'm sorry I can't speed things up. I'm sorry that its almost pointless that they go through the events again. Almost."


"Yes, almost. You'd be surprised at how many people remember odd details in their third or fourth round of questioning, that they didn't remember during their first. Some of those details have helped their case massively, even been the one single piece of information that have in fact solved the case." Detective Harley paused, and looked around us all. "If something, no matter how minor it is, comes back to you regarding these events, it could just help give us a lead to follow. If you are able to come down to the precinct and go over the events again, that would be greatly appreciated."

"I'll go." I told him immediately.

No matter how slim the chance is, I'd do anything to help find you, Twigs.

"Thank you, Marilyn."

"I'm in." Jax added.

"And me." Pogo chimed.

Detective Harley's mouth twitched into a warm smile as he regarded us all.

"Well, I'll drive." He told us, rising from his seat.


"Twiggy really loved this place." Pogo recalled, as we sat by the edge of the glistening creek water, the noon sun reflecting off of the surface.

"Well, duh! It's beautiful!" Jax chuckled.

Last night's revisiting of the events to Detective Harley was disappointing; no one had remembered anything else in which to help.

"Let's go in!" Pogo chimed, leaping to his feat enthusiastically.

"No way!" Jax shook her head. "You're going in alone."

"Am I?"

Pogo wrapped his arms around her torso and hauled her off of the floor; her small frame made it rather easy to do so.

"Pogo, you dare!" Jax warned as she was carried away and into the water. "Drop me and I swear to God, I'll drown you!"

It didn't escape my notice how forced some of it seemed, as if they were trying to be upbeat to keep the mood of things in check. For that I was grateful, but I still let their shouts and laughter slip to the back of my mind as I stared at some trees.


"Hmm?" I hummed, turning to face Thomas.

"Has Jax told you about what's going on with her?"

"No, not really."

His brows pulled together slightly, a look of genuine concern for his friend, evident on his face.

"Well... it's bad. Really bad. She can't hide forever."

"Really? Why hasn't she told us?" I asked.

"Because finding Twiggy is more important to her, and she feels that should be the focus."

How... selfless. I turned and faced the water, watching the two idiots splash about and try and hold the other below the surface. A wave of compassion for Jax rushed over me, and I felt beyond grateful to have such a caring person as my friend.

"What's going on?" I asked Thomas.

"What isn't?" He scoffed. "It's been one thing after another. She pissed off the wrong people, but managed to weasel her way out of serious harm by surrendering a bunch of Versace watches she won in an illegal, underground gambling joint. Then, rumor got out that she cheated at said gambling joint, and they came after her; they're very violent people, sleazy too. Since she didn't have the watches, they branded her with hot iron and threatened to do worse if she didn't raise money to cover the expenses. I don't know exactly how much time she was given, but knowing their type, it probably wouldn't have been long. I don't know what she's planning to do to raise the money, but these people would honestly end her life if they wished it. Her being a minor doesn't matter to them, in the slightest."

I sat in stunned silence for a long while, my mind refused to process the new turn of events.

Jax was being hunted down by an illegal underground gambling society?

"She's not said a word..." I mumbled.

"I've been trying to get her to do something about it, but she's insisting on helping Twiggy first. We have to help her, Marilyn!"

"I know..."

First Twiggy, and now Jax. Two irreplaceable friends that had become so dear to me, both needed saving. The guy I loved more than anything, and a great friend who was beyond noble.

But how could we help them? What could we do? There had to be a way to both find Twiggy and clear Jax's debt. If only there was a way we could get hold of a big sum of money and find people that could be connected to Twiggy's dad.

Then an idea dawned on me.

"What do you know about this gambling place?"



I want to apologize about how long this took! I was struggling for a while, but finally got an idea for this story! So here you go!

Thank you reading guys, and sorry I'm not faster!

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