Chapter 10- Final Fight

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------------------4 Months Later------------------

Louis and I were asleep one night. When we were suddenly awaken by Malakai crying.

I bolted upright, because it wasn't a common thing for Malakai. Always a quiet baby. Sleeping through the night.

I looked over and saw nothing. So I got up, calming down. But a strange feeling in the air had me on edge.

Louis and I had moved our bed by the window and the crib where the bed used to be. So he was on my side.

I walked over to Malakai and picked him up.

"Shh. Its okay, mommy's here." I softly said hoping to calm him down, but he kept crying. "What's wrong with my baby boy?"

"Leonie." Louis moaned sitting up. "Is he hungry?"

"I don't think so. I fed him before I put him down for bed." I replied. "Maybe he needs a change."

"Want me to?" He asked.

"I got it. I'm already up." I said walking out of the room and into the bathroom where we kept the changing table.

I changed Malakai's diper for a clean one and cleaned him up, rebuttoning his green onsie with a turtle on it. It's actually the reason Louis started calling him turtle as a nickname.

"There we go, all better now." I whispered softly. "Who's mommy's clean baby boy?"

My now calm Malakai giggled as I pressed a kiss to his cheek. I picked him up and carried him back to the room.

"I see it worked." Louis smiled from the bed.

"Yeah. He had a dirty diper." I spoke in baby talk as I rocked Malakai back to sleep.

"Well I wouldn't blame him." He said, and I laughed a single laugh. "What? I wouldn't want sleep with a dirty diper either."

"Ya think?" I smiled, and Malakai started crying again. I looked down at him. "Come on baby, what's wrong?"

"What is it?" Louis asked. He'd gotten up and walked over. "What's wrong with my little turtle?"

"He's restless. Something's not right Lou, and he feels it too." I said giving Louis a despair look.

"Hey, calm down. It's alright." Louis wrapped his arm around Malakai and I. I laid my head on his shoulder.

I started rocking Malakai, and humming a song to calm him. It was absentmindedly More than Words by Extreme.

Malakai calmed down, but continued to cry. I rocked him.

"Shh. Shh. Baby, baby calm down. My sweet sweet turtle. Come on baby, calm down." I said sounding desparate.

"Send him your element." Mom's voice came from beind us. Louis and I jumped and turned towards her. "It will calm him."

"Not a bad idea." I agreed. Louis let earth flow through him to Malakai. he calmed down more but kept crying. I freed one of my hands and set it on his forehead lightly, letting fire flow through me to him.

It was then that Malakai had finally calmed down and was now staring at me with his big blue eyes. I smiled in relief.

"See, mama's got you." I hummed.

"It worked." Louis whispered.

"Of course it worked. I used to do it with Dantae and Leo. Always works." Mom said as I continued to rock Malakai so he'd go to sleep. He wouldn't though, but he was calm. "At least the two of you managed through the night."

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