Chapter 2- An Omen?

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We were trapped inside with no power until the next day. When the storm ended, dad had gone out and fixed it as Louis left. We all cheered when the power finally came back on, and Dantae was finally happy, so he could watch TV again. Mom, Dad, Dantae and I were sitting at the table eating dinner the next night... of course someone had to say something about it.

"So dad, are you gonna get on to Leo for dating Louis." Dantae asked with frustration.

"DANTAE!" I yelled with annoyance after choking on my food.

"Dantae, leave your sister alone." Mom ordered like it was something that happened all the time.

"Jeez, do you ever understand privacy?" I asked catching my breath.

"Come on dad. They slept in the same room last night... You couldn't've possibly allowed that to happen." He said upset.

"What's your point?" I asked ready for an argument.

"Dantae your sister is a grown woman. Just because you're twenty and refuse to move out doesn't mean you can get upset with your sister for dating your friend. I'm sure you'd date one of her friends." Dad said.

"He is dating one of my friends!" I laughed.

"That's right." Dantae slapped the table like he'd just figured the answer to a question. "I am dating one of your friends..."

"Eureka!" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes. He pointed at me as if he were accusing me of something terrible.

"This is payback for me dating Mia, Isn't it?" He said as if he'd solved a crime.

"Oh my gods... Dantae... why are you making a big deal about this?" I asked.

"Because when he dates you... he ain't my friend no more... he's my sister's boyfriend." He answered and I scoffed.

"You boys are so stupid. Look at me and Mia. You're dating her, but it makes her no less my wife." I said jokingly to screw with him. He choked on his food and mom and dad burst out laughing as he choked.

"WHAT!" He exclaimed with a confused expression. "Oh that's just great, Leo..."

"Dantae, you know that she was just joking." Dad said. "I wouldn't approve of Leo getting married at such a young age. It's just how close the girls consider each other."

"That moment when your dad gets yours and your best friend's friendship." I chuckled.

"You know the two have been friends for a while, and you know that Leo didn't approve of your relationship." Dad added.

"Yeah, but you know that I've always liked Louis." I said.

"What's your point?"

"My point is, I can date whoever I want."

"Yeah like you had a range." He said with attitude. Mom gasped and dad slammed his fist down on the table.

"DANTAE!" Dad yelled. I stood up quickly and scolded him. Trying to control my anger.

"You don't know anything, Dantae.... NOTHING!" I yelled and ran off to my room.

"Come on Leo... He DIDN'T MEAN IT!" Mom's voice rose as I got further away. I ran into my room and slammed the door shut. I could hear mom and dad arguing with Dantae. Their voices were muffled, but I could still make out what they were saying. "I cannot believe that you went there Dantae."

"Momma, she's dating Louis... He's my friend, and now he's going to be hanging out with her more. Instead of me."

"WHY DON'T YOU MARRY HIM DUMBASS?" I yelled through the door. Mom and dad started laughing, and I could hear him sigh in exasperation. Then I heard his chair scoot across the floor and he stomped down the hallway and pass my room. His door opened and slammed shut, then the house was quiet. Mom and dad were talking quieter, and I couldn't hear them. My phone made a beeping noise, and I looked at it.

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