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I say goodbye to Dad and Mum, they continue to apologize for Tuney's absence, and once again I shake it off. Boarding the train, I search for my friends, finally finding them in the Marauders' compartment. A compartment in years prior, I would never even think of looking in.

Within the compartment, Sirius and Marlene are joking around as usual while Peter is laughing at them. Alice and Frank are snogging making me cringe. Remus is reading a book while James is acting like a toe-rag showing off with his snitch. Everyone is to wrapped up with what they're doing to pay attention to me peeking in. As I open the door, James drops the snitch, looking up. "Evans! Erm... Lily! How was your holiday?" The forgotten snitch shoots up and flitters around James' face. He swats it away, smacking Sirius in the face.

"Oi! Prongs! My face!" He exclaims, Marlene and I roll our eyes in sync.

"Hullo James. My holiday was fine, Tuney paraded around with her new fiancé all summer. It got a bit old, Mum and Dad gushed over her. She ignored me, her fiancé ignored me. He looks a bit like a walrus you know." My friends laughed as I describe Vernon Dursley, my sister's fiancé.

"A walrus, you say? Surely that'san over exaggeration, Lily?" Sirius asks I shake my head empathetically. 

"Oh no!" I exclaim, sitting on the edge of the bench, next to James. "He truly looks like a walrus! I don't know what my sister sees in him. He's absolutely dull! Did you know he works for a company that makes drills? Drills! Whatever could be duller than drill?!" I ask exasperatedly, they all chuckle. "Merlin! Okay, what happened to you lot this summer?"

"Oh, Lily!" Alice gushes, "Mum took me to Paris! It was lovely!" I listen to my friends discuss how wonderful their trips were and how awful it was to see certain family members. 

Marlene looked at her watch. "Merlin! Lily, the time! You better hurry! You'll be late!" I gasped and gathered my things. I said a hurried goodbye and raced off to the Head's compartment. I slid open the door and gasped.

"James! Did I forget something?" I ask, checking my arms, looking for missing articles.

"No, Lily. I'm the Head Boy." I laugh and he smirks proudly.

"No chance! No way!" (A/N I won't say it. No no. LOL Hercules moment!) He holds out a badge identical to mine, excluding the engraving that says, 'HEAD BOY. "Merlin! We have to share a common room!" He laughs as I run my fingers through my auburn hair.

"Lily, as much as I enjoy this stimulating conversation, and I really do enjoy it. We have a prefects' meeting to host. We might want to let the prefects in." He says smirking, I blush and open the door. The prefects come pouring in and once everyone is seated James begins. "Hullo, everyone. I'm James Potter, Head Boy and Quidditch Captain of the Gryffindor team."

"And I'm Lily Evans, Head Girl." I pipe in, James nods encouragingly. "We want to train you all on your prefect duties, if this is your first time, or go over it, for those who are returning."

"We're gonna go in a circle, please tell us your name, age, year, and house," James says, he points at Remus.

"Hullo, I'm Remus. I'm 17 and I'm in Gryffindor seventh year."

"Hey, I'm Katie. I'm 17 and I'm in Gryffindor seventh year."

"Hi, I'm Grace. I'm 17 and I'm in Ravenclaw seventh year."

"Hello, I'm Thomas. I'm 16 and I'm in Ravenclaw seventh year."

"Hey, I'm Narcissa. I'm 16 and I'm Slytherin seventh year."

"Hullo, I'm Lucius. I'm 17 and I'm a Slytherin seventh year."

"I'm Cornelius. I'm 16 and in Hufflepuff sixth year."

"Hi, I'm Amelia. I'm 15 and I'm in Hufflepuff fifth year."

"Great. We nice to meet you all! James is passing out your assignments now. Remember, you must turn up for your assignments!" I say as James passes out the papers.

"Or McGonagall will have your head!" James says jokingly, I smack his head. He grunts in pain and everyone laughs. "Yea, yea. Everyone you're free to go." Everyone shuffles out and James turns to me. "What was that for Lily?" He whines I laugh lightly.

"James, it was rude. We are a good team, though!" I exclaim and he smiles proudly.

"Yea, we are. Will you go out with me and make us even better?" I groan as he searches my face earnestly.

"James! I thought we passed this! I am your friend and colleague, nothing more." His smile fades slightly, then jerks back up.

"Well, there's no harm in trying." I groan, "Come on Lils! We have friends to get to!" I laugh as he picks me up on his back.

"James! Put me down!" I giggle, he runs out the door.

"Never!" He continues to run through the train, me on his back giggling uncontrollably.

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