chapter 14

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"Sakura did what?" Naruto questions hugging his son.

"She kidnapped me!" Boruto cried burying his face into his father's chest.

"Sasuke?! Why didn't you tell me?!" The motherly blonde stumbled out tears forming in his eyes. "Da- I mean mom! What's wrong?" His son called out. "it's my damn hormones there starting to act up." He replied tears still pouring down his face.

"Perhaps we should all get to bed? I mean this hasn't been easy for any of us, and we just need to sleep some of the stress away. Expecially you Naruto." Sasuke suggested already taking his lover upstairs to there room.


"I can't believe this!" Naruto yelled slamming his gand down onto the bed he was currently laying in.

"Calm down Boruto and everyone else is safe, I'll find her tomorrow and kick her out of the village if I have to. Stress isn't good for the baby. That much I know. I'll do anything in order to keep our new family safe and I don't care what happens to anyone else, you guys are the only ones I care for and I'll be damned if anyone takes you away from me understand?"

Narutos eyes saddened as he thought about how much the stress he has us affecting his unborn child, he feels selfish and horrible and sure he knows sasuke will do anything to protect there little family.

Tears start to form and soon enough full waterfalls are pouring down the blondes face. "I-im sorry! I'm a terrible parent! My baby is probably dying because of me!" Even more tears fall down.

Sauces eyes widen at the statement. "No-no it's not like that! I swear!" He flares his hand in the air. "I just mean that you shouldn't think it's all on you! Everyone has to help so don't worry so much! The baby is fine!"

The waterfalls kept going, but now the blonde was angry.

"Then why did you say it like that!"


Sasuke held his cheek. "What the hell was that for!?"

"You hurt my feelings!!"

And with that Naruto turned on his side and went to sleep.

"H-hey! I want more of an answer than that! Naruto?!" But it was hopeless once the blonde went to sleep there was no waking him up.


Sasuke walked downstairs to the kitchen.

'That dobe better be as angry as he says he is'

Once he got to the kitchen he started taking out some eggs and bacon, cooking them all to perfection.

Putting the food on a tray he carefully picks it up and carries it upstairs.

"Naruto? I got food."

And with the word food Naruto popped up.

Sasuke laied the tray on his lovers lap admitting his failure"I'm sorry for last night I didn't mean to say those things."

"Hm? Oh I'm sorry for slapping's just my hormones are starting to act up and well...I might go off sometimes, but it doesn't mean I love you any less. Okay?"

Sasuke smiled leaning down and kissing the blonde.

"At least your not angry with me."

And the kissing continued. Not only on the lips but on the forehead and the cheeks.

Naruto started giggling as he was very ticklish.

"Get a room!" Three children screamed at once running away after.

"You're all grounded! No missions or video games for a month!"

"Nooo!" You could hear Boruto wine.

Naruto laughed some more.

"Are you at all against us staying in bed all day Mr.Uchiha?" the blonde questioned sustaining a giggle as he did so.

"I do believe that is a good idea my Dear."

"I'm not your dear!" Naruto laughed out hitting sasuke with a pillow.


The selection anyone?? Eh? Eh? No? Okay...

Sorry this chapter took so long I had some writers block and I was busy with school work, any ways I hope you enjoyed!


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