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Your POV:

You were crying in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, you just witnessed your supposedly 'friend' snog your crush, Draco Malfoy. Pansy knew about your feelings for him since year 2, yet she still ditched your friendship for a guy. Pansy was a true slytherin, cunning and ambitious.

You knew that you shouldn't be crying up a river just over one guy, but you were head over heels for him. Your best friend Luna sat beside you, helping you to get through this. You knew you could do it but you could never feel the same for another person.

After you cleaned up, both you and Luna went your separate ways to your common rooms.


Draco POV:

I'm so sick of her, that stupid pug face Pansy. Her attitude, the way she calls me Dracey, her obsession over me and everything. Can't I have some personal space for a minute?

'To be honest, I don't even know why I'm even dating her.' I said to Crabbe and Goyle, 'probably since father approves of her because her family are death eaters and pureblood.'

'I think we all know the reason behind that Draco.' Goyle snorted.

'To cover up his true feelings for y/n and perhaps make her jealous.' Crabbe laughed, 'Pathetic really.'

'No! That's not it at all! Plus I don't have any feelings for her, you stupid pigs.' I yelled, my face flushing slightly.

'Do I hear my Dracey?' Came a voice as the common room door opened.

Pansy, ugh.

Pansy squished next to me, leaning on me. She was hugging me tightly, nearly suffocating me. Her head kept inching closer to mine and I kept moving my head so she wouldn't kiss me. Crabbe and Goyle were being idiots and giggling like girls at us then left while wriggling their brows leaving me to Pansy all by myself. I swear one day I'm actually going to kill them.

'Come on Dracey, a kiss?' Pouted Pansy.

'No.' I said firmly.

'What's with the attitude Dracey? Is it Potter or that Weasel or that mudblood? Or that half blood y/n? It's her isn't it Dracey? I'm going to kill her.' She asked.

'No, it's neither of them. My problem right now, is you.' I said pushing her away from me.

'Hahah Dracey, you are too funny.' Pansy shrieked, stroking my arm.

'I'm sirius Pansy, I want to break up.' I said.

'And I'm a were.' Pansy snorted. (Sorry I saw the opportunity and took it)

'You are being serious aren't you Dracey? No! I'll do anything to have you back, one more chance please Dracey.' Pansy pleaded.

'No more chances.'

Pansy ran out of the common room sobbing.

I got one less problem without her. (Sorry! Ariana Grande anyone?)


Your POV:

You sat down at the Slytherin table by yourself today, you finally gotten over Draco, well you think, hopefully.

You saw Draco come into the Great Hall beaming like there's no other. You wonder what's he seems so joyful about?

He walked right past Pansy and took a seat across from you.

'Ditching your over obsessive girlfriend today are we? I don't think she'll be pleased.' You snorted.

'She's not my girlfriend.' He replied.

'What?!' You asked, curious.

'You heard me correctly, I broke up with her. She's an annoying bitch, I despise her.' He said calmly.

'Coming to your senses hm?' You joked.

'I never liked her. I guess I only dated her because of my parents.' He shrugged.

'Oh right.' You said, unsure of what to say.


You spread across the couch in the Slytherin common room. It was 10'clock and you were reading 'Hogwarts, A History' for some light reading while everyone was asleep. You heard the common room door open and close so you quickly turned around to see who just came in. It was Draco Malfoy.

He saw you laying on the couch in your pyjamas, the sight of that caused him to smirk.

'What?' You exclaimed, suddenly feeling very self-conscious. You face went red as you old crush for over 3 years stared at you in only your pyjamas.

'Oh nothing, just admiring you.' He replied casually.

'You... WHAT!?' You screaked, throwing a cushion at him.

He swiftly caught the cushion throwing it aside.

'Go to Pansy.' You muttered.

'Whoa. I don't like her remember? Or do you have a memory of a goldfish?' He teased as he plopped himself next to you.

You crossed your arms and huffed.

'Sorry babe, I didn't know you were jealous of Pansy.' Draco chuckled.

'I'm not jealous, why would I even be?' You retorted your face flushing.

'Ah, I knew you were jealous, just admit it.' He teased.

'How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not--.' You were cut off by his lips on yours.

Draco Malfoy was kissing you! Your old crush for over 3 years! Well maybe not old. Draco and you deepened into the kiss, like there was no tomorrow.

You guys pulled apart after 5 minutes, panting and blushing furiously.

'Okay, perhaps I was jealous.' You whispered in his ear.

'I knew it love.' He whispered back.

The two of you cuddled on the couch talking about your past and feelings till both of you felt somewhat drowsy. You snuggled closer to him, taking in all of him. This is what you missed for a whole 3 years, and you weren't ever going to let him go.

While you watched Draco sleep, you thought about Pansy's reactions about finding you and her ex-boyfriend sleeping together on the couch. Oh well. That's tomorrow, today is the only day that really matters, you thought.


Hey guys! How did you think that went? Did you like it? Please leave comments below about this chapter and if there's any spelling or grammar mistakes (cause no one is perfect and I'm 13. Is that young in Wattpad?) , I'll fix it straight away. If you have any requests feel free to Private Message (please no comments) and I'll try to write them during my spare times, but I won't guarantee that I would do them quickly because school is so stressful and I have a huge amount of homework. Thank you.

~Love, Slytherinphan

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