dix ~ sleepy Raean forgets which chapters are named what oops

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"I don't want to go back to class," I whine as Phil gets off the bed, picking his books up that were resting on his bed.

"Dan, I have a test this lesson," he says and I groan.

"But I just got a boyfriend and we haven't even made out yet," I whine and he giggles.

"What do you call what we were doing fifteen minutes ago?" he asks and I blush wildly, entwining my fingers together.

"A make out session," I whisper and he giggles at me. "Please Phil? Let's just cuddle and not worry about anything, they'll let you retake the test!" he sighs heavily and looks at his books then back up at me who was giving him puppy dog eyes and pouting.

"Fine, just this one time though!" he says and sets his books on the bed. I smile brightly and bounce a little bit before making room for him to crawl into my arms on the bed.

He lays on my chest and I bury my face into his hair, inhaling the scent, and holding my arms around him at the same time. I feel so much better when with Phil.

"You're really squishy," he says and rests his chin on my chest, looking into my eyes, tongue poking out of the side of his lips while he giggles.

"Well, sorry but I'm not working out, so don't complain," I joke with him and poke his nose.

"No don't work out because then you won't be as comfortable!" he says and I smile.

"I wasn't going to anyways Phil. That requires a lot of effort," I say chuckling and I feel him tangle our legs together.

"You're so lazy, hon," he chuckles and I blush at the pet name.

"I like my new name," I whisper.

"Oh there's plenty more where that came from," he says. "I can call you darling, cupcake, baby doll, baby, babe, beautiful," he lists the names off, counting on his fingers. "Bear, sweetie, cutie, sweetheart, honey badger,"

"Honey badger?" I ask confused.

"Yeah, because the honey badger never gives a fuck! Just like you," he says and I allow myself a smile. He's kind of wrong though. I do care a lot about what people say about me and where my reputation goes. I hope he never realizes that as it is one of my biggest flaws.

"I'm okay with any of those," I say quietly. "But I like baby and darling,"

"Okay, honey badger," he says chuckling and pokes my dimple when it shows after my chuckling. I smile as he rests his hand on my face, leaning into the touch.

"You're so perfect," I whisper as I glance over to the cuts on his arms. He notices I'm looking at them and moves so they're not visible anymore. Oh horse shoe flames, he's not getting away with that this easy. I grab his arms gently and kiss his scars while he just pretends I'm not doing it.

"Stop being so sweet," he says and tries to take his arm back but I hold onto it and place more kisses on it.

"Every kiss I give you is me saying how much I really love you," I say back and he blushes, biting his lip.

"Really?" he asks hopefully. I take his other arm and kiss on the scars that were on that wrist.

"Of course, Philly," I say trying to be somewhat cute. "I love you, and I know that we just got together, but I don't want to lose you,"

"I love you too much for there to be a risk of losing me," he says back and I smile. "I love you," he says again. "I hope I don't say that too much."

"Say it as many times as you want, I'll never get tired of hearing it,"

~ oops I showered you guys with fluff.
~ okay this will be some days later xD

Phil and I have only been in a relationship for about three days and I can already tell how much I love him. We pushed the bed's together so it's like we have one king bed, but we fall asleep in each others arms every night so far.

I've gotten into a habit where whenever Phil seems the slightest bit sad, I just hold him in my arms and kiss his neck and scars. He always smiles when I do so and tells me how much he loves me. I've never had actual feelings for another person, and I really think I like it.

Scratch that, I love it.


I haven't really talked to Phil about telling anyone yet, but either way I don't care. As long as we're together, I'm okay with anything.

I walk out of class and give Phil a small wave goodbye and he blushes, continuing to walk down the wall. I smile to myself and continue, almost in my own little day dream. A hand gripping at my shirt and shoving me against the wall snaps me out of it.

"How are you and your boyfriend?" the same guy from some days ago that harassed me in the hallway.

"I told you, we're just friends," I say quickly and grip at his hand trying to loosen it. "You're crushing my breathing tubes," I say with a raspy voice, but he only pushes harder while his friends laugh.

"Emo faggots," he mutters and gives one last shove before dropping me to the floor and walking off laughing.

"God damn," I mutter and sit against the locker, rubbing my chest while people walk by and look at me with concern.

"You okay?" some kid asks me and some others are sort of walking slowly by to see how I was. I nod and gather myself before standing and gathering my books. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Phil holding out a book to me that was mine. I look down in embarrassment of the scene he just saw and take the book.

"I'm sorry I didn't come over here, I thought I would make it worse," he says and I nod.

"It's okay, and yeah, that was probably a good idea," I say. "Um, can we talk about it later? I don't want to be late again this week," I say and he nods.

"Bye, honey badger," he whispers and a grin makes it's way to my face before I head off to class.


"How long has this been going on, Dan?" Phil asks me as we walk into the dorm after my last class. I sit on my bed and he sits next to me, holding my hand.

"Just this week," I say.

"Why didn't to tell me about it?" he asks and brushes the fringe out of my eyes. I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know, it's really not that big of a deal," I say. "I mean, it's just a few push and shoves, some words tossed around, I'm okay,"

"Yeah, but Dan, it could escalate into something big," he says and scoots closer to me. "I don't want my Daniel to be getting hurt," he whispers and presses his forehead against my temple. I smile and turn so I can press my lips softly against his. He smiles in the kiss and deepens it, softly kissing back with his tongue. I pull away quickly and brush my nose lightly against his.

"I'm okay, if it gets worse I'll let you know," I say and he smiles pecking my lips once more.

"If it gets worse we're going to the teachers." he says and I nod.

"Hey, Phil," I say and he cocks his head slightly. "Guess what?"

"What?" he says slightly giggling, knowing what I was going to say next.

"I love you,"

"I love you too,"

so this chapter was supposed to be named honey badger but I accidently named the one before it so.. oops.. and when did 300 happen? o.o guyyyzzzz :D

*gangum styles* *twerks* *backflip* *starts my jet pack up*

later guyyssss ;)

*flies away on jet pack*


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