quinz ~ schneider monkey

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~ a month later (just before Christmas)

"Daniel James Howell, you are not getting me ANYTHING for Christmas, do you fucking hear me?" Phil asks as I ramble on and on about wanting to know what he wants for Christmas.

"You do realize you can't stop me right?" I ask and continue to shove my clothes into my bag. Phil and I are going to go back to my place for vacation.

"And you do realize I can just not accept your gift right?" he asks me, sitting down on my bed and bouncing a few times.

"Don't bounce! My clothes will spill out!" I say and set my hand on his knee, stopping him. He grabs my hand quickly and kisses it. "Don't be cheesy," I say and yank my hand away, blushing.

"Then don't procrastinate, I told you to pack last night so we could have our last night on campus together and go to our place!" he whines and I roll my eyes, continuing to pack quickly.

"You know I'm a lazy fuck," I say and zip up my bag. "There, I'm packed, let's go!" I say and grab his hand. "Did you text Emma and Joey last night to tell them to meet us there?" I ask him. Emma and Joey were the two people that helped us when we got attacked. They happened to tell the headmaster and got the bullies expelled. We ended up talking and became really good friends. Plus, Joey and Emma were dating so we had goofy double dates and sexy dare competitions which were really fun.

"No, why don't you?" he says and I nod, taking out my phone. 'meet us outside your dorm :) we have to show you and Joey something.' I wrote and sent it to Emma.

"We'll meet them outside their dorm so it's easiest," I say and he nods. I feel my phone vibrate. 'it better not be a crack factory Howell,' she writes back and I chuckle. Sarcasm is her second language. 'It's better than a crack factory, c'mon just meet us outside!' I type back and realize Phil was looking over my shoulder reading the text. "Phil!" I say and he laughs, pulling his head away.

"I was just curious!" he retorts and blushes a little. We walk up to where Emma's dorm is and wait out side. I smirk and whirl him around, pulling him close, almost making it look like a dance move. He yelps a little, but melts into the touch, leaning back into me.

"My little stalker," I whisper and give him an eskimo kiss. He giggles and his tongue sticks out.

"I don't stalk," he says trying to sound serious but fails. I peck his lips a few times before just leaving some stray kisses around his face. "You're going to kill me with kisses," he whispers chuckling and I giggle.

"Does that not sound like a good death?" I ask and he nods.

"It does."

"I'm going to puke," Emma says walking up to us. "This is way too cute for anyone to even watch," I laugh and pull away from Phil, still holding his hand.

"And do you expect us to just deal with it, next time you give Joey a blow job in front of our faces?" I ask recalling to the time we all got drunk.

"We do not speak of that!" Emma says slightly laughing.

"Where's Joey?" Phil asks looking around.

"He's on his way," she says pulling out her phone to read some texts. "He had some homework to do tonight, that's why he wasn't over my place."

"Well, if he had homework, he didn't have to come with us tonight!" Phil says but Emma just laughs at his offer.

"Phil, he was just looking for a reason to stop doing work, I'm sure he's okay with it," she says and Phil nods.

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