Quatre ~ Becky and Jessica

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Ugh I don't want to go on a date. WITH GIRLS. UGH THEY HAVE COOTIES. No they don't I'm joking. But I like Phil.

"Ready?" I ask Phil as he comes out wearing his black and yellow plaid shirt I've seen him wear numerous times in his videos.

"Not really," he says quietly. I smile and set my arm on his shoulder.

"You'll be fine," I say. And he smiles. I remove my hand awkwardly. "Uh, okay, let's go."


We arrive at the girls house and I swear the brunet is on her way to go go dance. I don't think skirts are supposed to be that short and tank tops should fully cover her bra. The blond is dressed nice though.

"Hi!" The brunet one says with a wink and puts her hand on her hip.

"Ugh, Becky your such a slut, I'm Jessica," the blond girl says stepping in front of the brunet.

"Jessica, they're not interested in YOU," Becky says and pushes Jessica and soon they're in a shoving match.

"Hey, hey, HEY!" Phil says and both girls look up. "Maybe we should go inside." He says quietly an the girls scramble away from the entrance to let us in. As we walk in, I can hear another scuffle between Jessica and Becky. I look back and they immediately stop fighting.

"You okay?" I ask and Jessica take a step really close to me, her breath reeks of alcohol.

"Fine," she says quietly and I take a step back.

"Okay, uh, I have space issues so uh," I back up and walk up to Phil. "Phil." I whisper.


"They're drunk," I say quietly and he nods.

"Half expected," I let out a small giggle and we sit on the couch and Jessica sits dangerously close to me so I slightly scoot away.

"Space issues," I say quietly but she gives me a look full of pure lust. "Uhh," I say quietly.

"How are you girls?" Phil asks seeing I'm awkward.

"I'm fine," Becky scoots closer to Phil but he doesn't move away. I don't understand how he puts up with it.

"Quite an outfit," Phil says looking at Becky who adjusted her shirt so it sat lower on her chest. She nods.

"Oh well, I just threw it on!" She says. I feel a breath on my neck and flinch as I hate the feeling if anything touching my neck. Jessica moves away slightly.

"So, where are you two girls from?" Phil asks changing the subject.

"Manchester," Becky says.

"BECKY SHUT UP!" Jessica says, "no one was talking to you!"

"Sorry, Jessica." Becky says quietly.

"We'll, yeah, Manchester, hoe hum. Tell us about you!" She emphasizes "you" and pokes my chest trailing her finger down it. I look at her hand in curiosity and grab it stopping it from going any further.

"Welllll," I say setting her hand back down on her leg. "I'm from Manchester as well but that's all you probably want to know about me."

"Not EVERYTHING," Jessica says and links her fingers through mine. I let go and walk away to the kitchen where Jessica, Phil, and Becky follow me. "We'll hold up now!" Jessica says this time with her voice filled with lust. I feel he arm wrap around my waist and begin to trail lower. I back away quickly.

"I LIKE MEN!" I blurt out and Jessica backs away in disgust.

"Oh my god Becky, he's gay," Jessica says.

"We'll," I start, "not necessarily. But I don't really like you two sorry." I walk to the door.

"Sorry," I hear Phil say behind me to the girls. As we get outside Dan grabs my shoulders. "THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!" He nearly yells in my face. Holy banana cream pancakes I've never heard him swear.

"Uh, I was about to apologize, I thought you liked one of them!" His eyes get wide and he shakes his head no.

"I know that's what it looked like but I just didn't want to hurt her feelings." He says and I nod. We get in the car and drive away to the college dormitories.

fuck i'm catching up to where I pre wrote so I have to start writing but I don't wannnaaaaaa...

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