Deux ~ oh you remembered that?

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"Goodbye Daniel!" My mom says obviously holding back tears and my dad gives a quick wave with the hand smiling at his son walking into the rest of his life. My little sister cries into the leg of my mother as she doesn't want me to leave. I kneel to her height.

"Hey, it's okay," I say quietly. "I'll be back don't worry." She nods and takes a step over to hug me. I stand and pick up my bags looking back at the hallway leading to dormitories. "Welp, I guess this is bye!" I say and my family nods before I turn and head to my room. I walk in and despite how late I am, my roommate isn't in here. Well at least I get first choice on beds!

I put my bag on the one on the left and scan the empty room. I'm going to be here for awhile. I sigh and begin to unpack my bags right after immediately opening my laptop and watching Phil's latest video and laughing along as usual. As I unpack, I think of what I said to my celebrity crush. I'm so glad he'll never see me again.

After unpacking, I realize I have to pee ad walk to the bathroom. Awwee. It's adorable! It's so small. I look in the mirror and fix my hair when the door to the dormitory opens. Oh my god. It's a burglar! It has to be! I try to push away the disorder but I'm sent straight into it and I begin to shake from nerves and grab the empty trash can that was there and burst out of the room yelling. I gain control before the worst happens and stop myself before I give my new roommate a concussion. He screams and shields his face with his arms but I stop the trash can from going any further and pull it away, out of breath from the fear.

"What in the world was that?" I hear him say and I put the trash can down and look down clenching my eyes tight trying to keep control of my embarrassment.

"I'm sorry," I say quietly. "I'll have to just explain that-" I stop after looking up. What the actual fuck. I rub my eyes. Was I dreaming? The blue eyed black haired boy in front of me raises an eyebrow in confusion.

"What?" He asks me. I start to stutter.

"You- you- your aaamm- aa- uh," I place my hand over my mouth in shock. "Amazing Phil!" I finally say. He nods and picks up his suitcase and sets it on the bed.

"And your d-d-d," he says smiling brightly at me.

"Wai-what?" I ask confused.

"The park?" He says and I can tell the color left my face. Oh shitnuts. He remembers me. I try to sustain tears and clench my fists as I can feel the disorder pulling me under.

"You remembered that?" I ask unsure. He nods.

"It's not too often when that happens," he says still smiling. I clench my fists tighter and sit on the bed before putting my face in my hands seeing that I can't control it anymore and quietly sob. "Hey hey hey," he says obviously feeling awkward. "I'm not mad, I'm actually quite flattered!" He awkwardly pats my shoulder.

"No your not," I say into my hands. "I creeped you out and made you feel weird and I'm just an idiot I didn't mean to do that." He continues to pat my shoulder when I realize it. Phil Lester was in the same room talking to me. TO ME! Why? "Why are you here? Are YOU my roommate?" I look up at him and he nods. I feel myself relax as the disorder moves away. "I didn't know you were going to college."

"My parents finally kicked me out," he says quietly. "Oh and I'm really not mad! Why did you say you love me? Are you just like a fan or," I look down.

"I'm not.. straight," I say bluntly and clasp my hand over my mouth. Shitting cereal it happened again! Phil giggles and looks down. Holy nickel and cheese I've always wanted to hear that giggle in real life.

"Are you gay?" He asks me. Why in the name of hell am I opening up to him this quickly?

"Bi," I say and he nods.

"That's cool, I've never met a homosexual, I've always wanted to though!" He says and walks over to his bed where he starts to unpack.

"Why?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I've heard they're really amazing people," I can't even believe Phil isn't weirded out by me. He immediately takes out a laptop and some idea cameras with a bunch of different speakers.

"Holy shit.." I say under my breath, "is that really all of your equipment for the videos?" He nods and sets in on one of the two desks that we have. "I thought you just used a fifty pound camera and a laptop."

"Sixty pounds," he says and leans on the desk. "Hey you won't get weirded out if you come in and I'm talking into machines right?"

"Phil, I WATCH your videos, and I may be your biggest fan. I won't have a problem at all!" He smiles and continues to set up his equipment. I turn and begin to put away my clothes again.

After maybe twenty minutes of unpacking I feel a tap on my shoulders and get fireflies in my tummy as I remember it's Phil.

"Yeah?" I say and turn around.

"Why were you crying so much and clenching your fists and nearly killed me earlier? "I look down to hide my red cheeks.

"It's not my fault," I say quietly and look back up into Phil's confused face.

"How?" He asks me. I sigh. "I know you may have been embarrassed but you seemed worried, like, on extreme levels."

"I have a type of, like, disorder or something," I say and Phil still looks confused. "Sometimes I can't control my actions or emotions and when I lose control it just explodes out of me! No one really knows what it is. I can't really hold things in either. Never tell me a secret, because I can't control things I say sometimes." Phil nods finally understanding.

"So that's why you said-"

"Yeah," I say cutting him off. "I wasn't planning on embarrassing myself or you. It just slipped out." He nods again and continues to unpack.

"Hey uh, d-d-d." I hear Phil say behind me. I smile an turn around. "I never got your real name. Unless it really is d-d-d."

"Dan," I reply and he holds out his hand to shake mine.

"Phil," he says and I laugh.

"I know that!" I say.


I hope some people are actually reading this otherwise it's awkward xD but if you are, I give you the greatest of thank you's :)

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