Chapter 15

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Maddie and Bethan lead me out of the building, and Aaron and Colin follow behind us. They've officially placed themselves into our friendship group now. I'm not complaining, but it feels weird to have extra people tag along with you. Especially when my friends have only consisted of Bethan and Maddie for so long.

We all go to Maddie's car, and stop to say our goodbyes to them. Aaron hugs me before he gets into the silver Ford parked a few spaces from where we did.

'You did great, I'm sure', he whispers to me. 'Don't stop believing. You can do this, Éponine'. I laugh weakly. As he separates himself from me, he starts singing 'Don't Stop Believing', and laughs when Colin gives him a weary look. Colin waves to us before sitting in the drivers' seat of the car and waiting for Aaron to get in with him. But he's still singing, and now checking his reflection in the car's mirrors.

He's one of a kind, that one.

We're about to get into Maddie's car, when 'Phone man' runs out from the building and almost knocks into me. Obviously the short run from the door to the car park has tired him out. He's gasping for breath, and is holding his side as if he had a stitch.

'Kid - thank God I reached you in time', he wheezes. 'You - you...I wanted to speak to you.' He looks at me and pushes his hand into his trouser pocket. 'I like you, Kiddo. Have this', he says, handing me a card that he pulls out from his pocket. 'I think you have potential to be in this movie. An extra or something - you get me?' I nod. I'm obviously let down from earlier, but now he's told me this news, I feel like grabbing him and hugging him. 'Phone me or come see me tomorrow', he tells me. 'I'm near Trafalgar. You'll find me if you follow the stuff on that card'.

I look down at it. His name's not Phone man, it's Greg. Greg Lane. Nothing much, but at least I can call him by his real name now. Underneath his name it says 'Cinematic director, producer and caster'. It also has his telephone number, and an address.

'Thank you,' I tell him quietly. 'I'm extremely grateful for this.' Greg nods.

'No problem, Kid. Hope to be seeing you soon'. I smile at him.

'You too.' As he turns to go back into the building, I turn to Maddie and Bethan, who beam at me.

'Congratulations', Maddie says. Bethan says the same. 'You'll have to phone him tomorrow, and not visit him', she adds. I frown. I was going to visit him tomorrow, but something in Maddie's voice convinces me to not do so.

'Why can't I go to see him?' I ask. She smiles.

'Because tomorrow we're going around London!' she almost shouts.

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