Newt's House .XX

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"Relax, it's gonna be fine Tommy," Newt squeezed his boyfriend's knee in reassurance before shutting off the car and getting out.

"I'm not nervous!" Thomas protested as he wiped his palms on his jeans.

"Whatever you say," Newt smirked.

Thomas pulled Newt in by his hips and gave him a quick kiss, "I love you kitten."

Newt rolled his eyes but couldn't wipe the smile off his face.


"Yeah, hey should I thank your parents for not using a condom when they were making you?" Thomas laughed as Newt gently slapped his shoulder.

"Behave yourself," Newt hissed as he dragged Thomas to the door.

"I will! This is actually important to me remember?" Thomas fixed his shirt as Newt let go and knocked on the door.

Almost instantly it was swung open and a women quickly engulfed Newt in a hug.

"Newt! I missed you so much, I love you. How's college?" she babbled as she squeezed Newt tighter.

"'re crushing my ribs," Newt mumbled.

She instantly let go and her cheeks tinted pinks, "I forgot how little you are, sorry honey."

Then he gaze fell on Thomas and her entire face lit up.

"Newt! Is that Thomas?" she beamed.

"Yes mom," Newt groaned.

"You didn't tell me he was this good-looking!" she gushed.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs...." Thomas started but was cut off by Newt's mother waving her hand.

"We're not formal, call me Tasha."

"Okay," Thomas smiled, they weren't even inside and he already loved Newt's mom.

"We can talk more in the house, it's freezing, your poor cheeks are turning pink!" Tasha ushered them through the door, "you two take the couch, I'll make coffee!"

The boys listened and sat next to each other on the couch, their legs gently brushing but not overdoing it.

"You mom is great, I don't know why I was worried!" Thomas whispered to Newt.

"I told you, my mom is super laid back. It's hard to make her not like you."

Thomas leaned forward and softly kissed Newt's nose, "I love you so much, more then I can even tell you."

Newt was grinning too hard to respond.


"So you two have a few classes together?" Tasha asked as she sipped her coffee.

"Just the one but we spend most of our free time together," Thomas said as his hand slowly intertwined it's self with Newt's.

"I have to entertain him basically all day," Newt teased.

"Nuh uh! I'm not a child!" Thomas protested.

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