Chapter 9 / Attack

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  • Dedicated to Pastor Clark

**Note: The end times events portrayed in this story are based off of those predicted in the Bible. They are not necessarily in the right order and may not correspond exactly with Biblical prophecy. For further study into the rapture, I would suggest going through a published study book on Revelation.


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Summer's POV

Summer flopped out of bed and flailed around blindly for her phone. Her friend Meme had texted her. Great, another person that missed out on the rapture. She still hadn't completely registered the fact that Haley was in heaven without her, but it was too early for more intense thinking.

She stumbled down the stairs and threw together her daily bowl of Captain Crunch. As she slowly pulverized the sugary cereal, her thoughts drifted to Jon. They had dated a few years back, when they were in middle school, and were forced apart when he moved to Florida. He was the only guy she had ever truly loved. She missed him so much... But was that really him she'd seen yesterday? Or had it all been a dream? Her head smacked the table and she groaned, emotionally overloaded.

"Summer! Look at this!" Kyle hollered from the living room, only a few feet away. She sighed and trudged over to the couch and sank into the welcoming cushions next to her mom. Summer gasped when she noticed a live CNN program on the screen. The news channels had been down for days since the disappearances and a live broadcast could only mean great news or horrible news.

"...steps are being taken to clean up what is left of he White House. In the absence of the President, the Secretary of Defense has assumed a makeshift leadership position while most of the Cabinet has either vanished or committed suicide," a stressed out anchorman announced hurriedly. He finished right before the connection failed and the screen went blank.

"Why are people committing suicide?" Summer wondered aloud.

"Because," Kyle seethed, turning to face her. "People's families are gone! Not lost, just gone!" There was a hint of hysteria creeping into his voice. "Do you know how many calls I've gotten from people just wanting to know that I'm alive?" He faltered and held back a sob. Alisa placed a hand on his arm, and Summer stared at them, wide-eyed. It scared her to see Kyle like this. As far as she knew, the most emotional he ever got was when his Fantasy Football wasn't working or when he ran out of Cheez-It Duoz.

Several gunshots suddenly reverberated through the house, shaking the furniture. Summer and her mom screamed and clung to each other as if their lives depended on it. Kyle leapt to his feet and charged to the door, almost breaking it down as he craned his neck outside. He slammed the door shut as soon as he'd opened it. He sprinted over to his family and pulled them off the ground, dragging them down the stairs to the basement. He ripped open a closet door and shoved everyone inside.

Alisa turned to face him, wide-eyed. "Kyle, what's going-"

"Shhh!" Kyle hissed, smacking his hand over her mouth. She mumbled something unintelligible against his skin.

Summer breathed a silent prayer. Protect us, God, please protect us... she quivered in fear, unable to speak. Was the gunman after them? She didn't dare ask Kyle what he saw in their front yard. What if she died? Summer had a moment of doubt, wondering if she would really go to heaven instead of hell. Could people be saved during the tribulation, or had she missed her chance? Summer wavered, unsure. She needed more time to study the Scriptures. She'd only been saved for three days and she was already about to die!

A sharp knocking shook the door. Summer held her breath, waiting.

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