Day 15

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Josh's POV

I thought about my conversation with Riley last night

I told her

She now knows my sister was murdered

But she'll never know by who

It was two years ago

And I've done everything I can to live on for her

I push those thoughts to the back off my mind

I head for the fridge

I look at the whiskey

But she pops in my mind

I close the door

Maybe I need some air

I grab my car keys and head for my car

What if she knows about my past

I've killed someone

But only because he took my little sister away from me

Would she leave me

Would she think I'm a monster

She's different

She would off done the same

To think off it I know nothing about her past

Except her boyfriend died

And she's incredible beautiful

When I think about her my mind races

My hands shake

And my heart bounds

Was I falling inlove with her and I was falling fast

Without even thinking I found myself out the front off her house

I hear music blaring

I hear her singing

"So I put my hands up to playing my sons the butterflies fly away I'm nodding my head like yer moving my hips like yer " she sings

I laugh

She's dancing in her undies and a T-shirt how is she so beautiful

I find myself smiling like an idiot

What is this girl doing to me

I get back in my car and drive to the flower shop

"How can I help you handsome" the ladie asks

"I'm after something you give to a girl you know nothing about but is falling madly in love with me " I say sounding corny

"I have just what you need " she hands me blue roses

Blue roses

I pay and drive back to her house

I knock

"Coming " she yells

She answers the door with a smile

Don't die

"Hello beautiful" I say and hand her the flowers

"What's these for there beautiful and my favourite colour how'd you know " she gives me another smile

To late I just died

"Well I thought why not get a flower some flowers so she knows how much she deserves to smile " I say

I take her hand and kiss it

"I've never seen this side off you before"she questions

"I've never acted this way or felt this way before " I say with a smirk

She laughs

"I was thinking tomorrow I'll pick you up at 7 and we'll go on a date to really get to know each other " I ask

"I would love that now if you don't mind I'm cleaning the house I'll text ya later " she says

I kiss her on the cheek and head to my car

I'm gonna make this girl feel the same way as she makes me feel

Tomorrow is gonna be the start off the best years off my life

With the girl off my dreams

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