Day 3

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Riley's pov

I wake up to the most annoying sound a teenage girl can hear
"Errr "I roll out of bed and stumble to my closet not feeling very fashionable today so decide to go with a baggy jumper with my denim shorts and my converses I grab my bag and head down stairs my mum and dad are sitting at the table talking away there both lawyers you could say that the best but it's not
"Morning I'm going to be home late don't wait up " I say to them I kiss them on the cheek and head to my car I search threw my bag for my keys once I find them I go to open my door but something stops me a note ?

Yer next time lock your car before you try and play badass and just to let you know you stared a game you can't finish babe so catch ya around sweet cheeks

I knew exactly who this was from and I was more the angry how dare you break into my car and what does he mean by playing badass seriously does he know who I am I turn my car on to see the time "FUCK " I scream and take off like a maniac down the road by the time I reached the school it was 8:30 I was beyond fucked I ran to my locker as fast as I can but bump straight into someone
"Fuck watch it why don't you " I say with out even looking up
"That's not a nice way to speak to you friend " I look up to see josh staring right at me
"Why the fuck are you everywhere I look are you stalking me " I ask with a concerned face
"Ew what no dream on "
I was about to yell at him for breaking into my car when all of a sudden the trophy shelf falls beside me my first instinct is to run with out even thinking I grab onto joshes hand and we both started running we reached my car and I sped off
"Fuck were gonna be in a lot of trouble if they find out it was us that knocked it down " he breaths out
"What do you mean were it was you but I freaked and now I'm gonna look as guilty as you why do I not think before I act " I silently yell out
"Hey you are just as guilty as me so don't throw all the blame on me you were the one who ran into me and made the shelf go unbalanced "he says staring right at me
"Well shut up I'm going home I'll drop you off and then never talk about this again " I say pulling into my drive way"let me run in and get my purse then I'll drive you home I hop out of the car and unlock my door I close it behind me but it doesn't close I turn around and come with in millimetres from joshes face "umm can I help you " I ask
"Nice house you parents loaded actually don't answer that I can tell " he say while walking around my living room
"I said to wait in the car " "uh no you didn't " uh yes I did " " No" "yes " "no""well what ever don't move I'm going to my room "I turn and walk up the stairs I enter my room and start to search for my purse when I hear some one clear there throat "I told you not to move " I say looking annoyed as ever
"I wanted to see the princess room is have to say I'm surprised not one shade of pink to be found " he says
"One that sexiest just cause I'm a girl I have to like pink and two I'm not anything like the girls you've slept with" I say still searching around my room when I hear a draw open
"And I see you wear sexy underwear nice maybe you aren't as innocent as I thought " I run up and close the draw not even giving him a second glance when I see my purse on the bed I run into my closet not bothering to close the door I pull off my baggy jumper and put on a black tank top when I turn around I see josh standing in the door way with a smirk
"Your kinda hot I'm not liking these games anymore just admit you wanna date me and we'll move on to further action if you know what I mean " he winks at me I just roll my eyes and walk off
"I've decided to go shopping so I'll call you an uber and you can get your own way home " I explain
"Good I need to buy a new top so I'll come " he says as he walks past me
Who does this guy think he is
I start my car and we start to drive when I turn the radio up and start to sing along

I'm not trying to be cool

But hey pretty girl I'm feeling you

I like they way you do the thing you do

When all of a sudden he changes the station
"Umm can I help you this is my car so hands off " I say
I actually like the song that's playing tho

Is it to late now to say sorry

Cause I'm missing more then just your body

Then I hear him start to sing along
"Oh so your a belieber I knew it and I don't blame you he's kinda hot " I say while smirking
"I ain't whatever you said I am I just like this song that's all and you have to admit I'm kinda hotter " he's says in a cocky tone
I just laugh and continue singing we arrive at the mall I head towards Victoria secret cause I am in desperate need of some new underwear as I'm searching threw the rack josh decides to say something
"No these I can see you in DAM " he yells which earns me some looks from the staff members I just roll my eyes and pay for my stuff
"I need you to do me a favour ok and you can't say no see that girl over there " I look to were he is pointing to see a blond girl coming this way " she my exs and she's crazy please pretend to be my girlfriend I will forever be in your dept
"Omg Joshua baby I haven't seen you in like foreves I missed you " she's say while hugging him
"Hi Jess " he says not to happy to be seeing her
"Who this is this your cousin you were telling me about " she asks looking at me
"Umm no she my f-"
"I'm his girlfriend Riley and you are " is all I say not believing the word coming out off my mouth
"Haha that's funny sweetie cause he mine so run you fat little arse along back to the gym " she says and I snap
"I'm sorry what did you just say "
"You heard me fatty or are your ears filled with cream "
With out even thinking I punch her straight in her plastic nose josh grabs my hand and we start running then security start running after us I jump in my car and drive home I reach the drive way still panting I look to josh who is smirking at me and with out even realising he reaches over and kisses me I pull away after a minute and head inside not caring if I locked my car or not still taking in what just happen I've known this boy to days and he already had me getting into trouble I am not looking forward to a whole week with him on camp

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