Day 12

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Ambers POV

Home time

It's been five since I've seen Riley and I was more then excited

"I can tell someone excited to be seeing her girlfriend " jarred voices brings me out of my day dream

"Yer just a bit " I say with a smile

"It's only been five days and those five days you were with me it wasn't all bad" he says with a smile

"Yer it was great but my best friend is my life " I say

The bus pulls into the parking lot of the school

There's her car

I bolt out off the bus

"AMBER " she yells

"RILEY " I yell back as I jump into her arms

"I missed you " we say at the same time

"How was it have you made your move on jarred yet omg have you kissed " she's still hugging me

"Yes we kissed and yes he made a move not me " we stop hugging " so how was your week with josh "

"Um it was great I guess " she rubs the back off her neck

"Talk now " I demand

"Well the start was horrible and then I git to know him and well I realised I have to move on eventually and three years is long enough I'll always love Ryan well anyway were dating and we had sex ok let's go " she grabs my arm and try's to pull me to the car

"Wow what wait did you say your dating WAIT SEX " I was shocked

"Shhh stop yelling " she ask

"You have a boyfriend well this is a shock I'm p-roud off you " I fake smile

I knew it would eventually happen but it just scares me

My brother

Her boyfriend


Now she has a boyfriend

How do I take this

You told her to

"I'm not in love with him if that's what your worries about and I will always love Ryan but he would want me to be happy wouldn't he" she asks

"Of course he would I'm just shocked that's all " I say

"I'm sorry I can't do it I can't move on I'm not ready I thought if I atleast tried I could do it but I can't last night was amazing but when I wake up in the morning it was over my brain went right back to Ryan " she begins to cry

What was I doing this is my bestfriend happiness

I'm happy and she's happy for me

"No listen I am so happy your moving on ok don't cry " I wipe her tear " you need to move on Ryan would want you to just try ok hey how about me you and the boys have a double date to night huh how about that " I question

"I don't know meeting the bestfriend is a big deal atleast Ryan was your brother " we laugh " but I guess so come on well I'll text josh and tell him to meet us tonight lets go get dressed "

We hope in the car and drive to hers

My best friends happiness is all I want

I wonder how jarreds gonna act in front off Riley

Because if she says no

It's a no

She'd do the same for me

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