Day 6

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Riley's POV

For some reason I woke up with a weird feeling inside my stomach
Maybe I was getting sick ?
Or maybe I just need to eat something
I make my way down stairs and make myself some breakfast and head back up stairs it was Sunday and I really need to pack for camp which is tomorrow I check the weather up in the mountains and of course it's cold I pack as many jeans and jumpers as I can and some trackies as well since I'll be gone for a week I decide to go get some junk food for lunch cause God knows the food will be shit
Why am I even going on this camping trip it's not like it goes towards my end of year grade or does it ?
As I pull up to in and out burger I spot Amber talking to that jarred boy
"Hey girl " I yell as I park
"Oh Riley what are you doing here " she sounds surprised
"What I'm not allowed to eat a burger" I question
"Haha of course you can " "oh this is jarred a friend of mine " she says pointing to jarred standing next her
"It's nice to meet you Riley I've heard a lot about you "
"All good I hope " we both laugh "so what are you guys doing here on a date are we " I wink
"Ahaha no " she laughs nervously
"It's alright I won't stay around to long or embarrass you I'll just get my burger and leave I'll see you tomorrow Amber and will i be seeing you there two" I asks jarred
"You sure will " he replies
After that I grab my burger and leave on my way home it starts to rain I pull up to a stop sign and all of a sudden I see a bike crash into the ground my first instinct is to get out of the car so that's exactly what I did I run over to the person and asks if there hurt there's no response I pull out my phone and call 911 I hang up my phone and check for there pulse but I couldnt get my hand under the helmet so I tell the person I'm just going to take it off to see if there's any bleeding I take off the helmet and I can't believe my eyes it's josh I continue to feel his pulse and I start to breath when I feel a heart beat but it's weak his head is bleeding I run to my car and get my first aid kit and run back to try and stop the bleeding I did as much as I can before the ambulance arrived they thanked me for my help then put him in the van and drove off
I hop back in my car and just sit there for a while trying to catch my breath all those memories of Ryan come flooding back and I can't help but cry after five minuets I pull myself together and drive to the hospital
"I'm looking for josh I think his last name is peters he was in an accident" i asks the nurse
"Oh yes josh peters he's still in surgery I'll let you know when you can see him ok just take a seat over there and I'll let you know " she says
I do as I'm told and sit down in the waiting area this area brings back so many memories that I pushed to the back of my mind and now there all flooding back

"We're is he" I push through the doors to the hospital and run down the hall
"We're is Ryan " I run up to the counter
"We're is Ryan black " I yell
"Ma'm I need you to calm down ok " she says
"Just find my boyfriend they said they brought him in about an hour ago were the fuck is he " I yell and this time I think she gets it she types in his name
"He is in surgery I'm gonna need you to wait in the waiting area ok I will let you know " she says trying to calm me down
"I don't want to wait were the fuck is he" this time I was screaming
I felt a hand in my shoulder it was Amber I just fall to my knees she falls to "this can't be happening he has to be alright Amber he's my life " I cry
"Come one lets just sit and wait I'm sure he's fine he's a fighter " she crys to
After hours of waiting the doctor finally come out
"Amber black " Amber stands up I do the same
"Please tell me he's ok " she's crys
"I'm so sorry it was to late the blood already got to his brain we tried everything I'm so sorry "
At that moment my whole life stopped I fall to my knees my body goes weak and I just cry screaming at the top of my lungs
..................End of memory................
"Ma'm he's awake if you wanna see him" the nurse wakes me up I realise im crying I wipe my tears and head for his room
He's just lying there cuts all over his face I go to leave
"You don't have to go I'm awake " I hear a faint voice
"Oh umm I just come to see if your ok " I say
"I know your the one who saved me I saw you " he's voice still faint
"I did what anyone else would of done but my question is why were you going so fast you could of killed yourself or someone else " I asks
"I was angry and I was stupid I'm sorry" he says
"Don't say sorry to me your the one that got hurt not me " I say back trying to lighten the mood
"Listen I have to tell you something " he looks at me worried
"Your gay " I laugh but he didn't "is everything alright" I ask now concerned
"I slept with a girl last night " he says
I just laugh "what's so funny " he says confused
"Why were you so worried to tell me you slept with someone unless you got herpies I don't want to know " I laugh again
"Wait your not mad " he asks
"Why would I be mad your a guy I'm sure your gonna sleep with people " I continue laughing
"Oh I just though haha never mind " now he's laughing
"So are you still allowed on camp or " I ask
"Nah doctor says I have to stay in bed for a week just to see if anything comes up " he replies
"Oh ok " I say kinda bumbed
Wait what
"Actually I need a nurse to help me all week I was thinking if I pay you could you be my nurse in a none sexually way" he ask
Was this guy serious
"Why me " I ask
"They said I need someone with medical training and I said I knew you and they said it would be perfect so please I'll pay you a hundred dollars a day
A hundred dollars is a lot I think to myself
"Fine I'll stay with you " I say
"But "
"But what " I say
"You have to live with me for the week" ok know it's weird
"Wait what what about your family " I ask
"There away for a month please I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't serious" he's now pouting
"Fine but no funny business I say with a laugh
We both just laugh
I spend the rest of the day talking about the things I have to do with the doctor then call Amber and tell her what happen at first she was pissed but then she got over it and said I have to text her everyday or she'll kick my ass
I then call the teachers and tell them what happens and tell I will not be attending camp I then call my parents and they both agree then I drive home to get my stuff and fall asleep
This week is gonna be a weird week isn't it staring tomorrow I have to look after a boy I hate but kinda enjoy his company how will this end

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