Day 1 part 2

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Ambers POV

I woke up at 6.30 to my annoying alarm going off before I even get out of bed I text Riley and make suers she's up I get out of my bed and head straight for my closet I pull out a half top with my high waisted shorts and of course my converses I put my hair up into a high pony tale and put on the littlest make up I can put on just to cover up my imperfections after that I hurry down stairs and start my guest to school I pull into my spot which is right beside Riley's I've known that girl since I was 5 years old she's become my very close sister I already see Riley car parked in I run out of my car and chase after her "Riley stop " I yell
"OMG did you see what Julie put up last night she's such a bitch" my words are buffed as I can't breath after my run I'm not a very athletic girl I am when I want to be but today was not that day "I know what a cow who does she think she is treating people like that she's gonna get bad karma one day you watch " she says
"So what are we doing after school" my words still sound like I'm outa breath which was true
"Nothing I'm grounded remember " oh yer I forgot a she was "sucks for you "I laugh we head off to our locker when were stopped by none other then fucking Julie
"We'll we'll we'll if it isn't bitch one and bitch two " I just wanted to slap her right there and then but if I didn't Riley would never forgive me for doing it first "oh and how lucky are we to be in the presents of the biggest bitch of all " I can see Riley's words hurt cause she goes quiet for a moment before finally speaking again "whatever losers " after that she was gone me and Riley find our seats in the back and wait for out teacher he finally shows up and makes us read and write fuck I forgot all my home work "psss Riley I didn't ready chapter 32 do you have the notes on it " I give her my best puppy eyes and she gaves "yer" she hands me her book I start writing as fast as I can when I feel Riley elbow me I send her my annoyed look and she shakes her head I follow her direction and find a hot boy standing there I give her my OMG his hot look before going back to my work the teacher asks for our attention but I just ignore and continue with my work after the bell goes me and Riley hurry out I hear Riley tell me she'll meet me at the cafeteria I hard to my next class which was maths
I was sitting in class trying to finish off my homework that I didn't do for Maths then this guy Drew Anderson in other words the player and jerk of the school who I onced dated I regret that moment everyday he whispers my name and kicks my chair Amber he whispers I finally give in and turn around "what " i whisper back "NICE TITS" he said looking down at my shirt which I pulled up I roll my eyes in disgust " AMBER THATS HORRIBLE THE TEACHER ISNT AN ASSHOLE WHO NEEDS TO GET LAID" Drew spoke out loud letting everyone hear especially the teacher "MY GOD AMBER WHAT WOULD YOUR FATHER SAY ABOUT YOUR BEHAVIOUR " the teacher said "WHAT SIR I NEVER SAID THAT HE IS LYING I" say "THATS ENOUGH Drew WOULD NEVER DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT NOW GET OUT OF THIS CLASSROOM " the teacher said pointing towards the door I get up gathering my books I push my chair in and I felt a hand slap my ass I jump a little I turn around and slap drews face I storm out of the classroom don't you just hate it when you get blamed for something you didn't do I walk along the halls not looking up to see where I was going i bumped into a hard surface "HOLY SHIT " a raspy voice spoke I look up and saw amazing green eyes "WHAT" I blush "SOMEONE SPILLED GORGEOUS ALL OVER YOU "he spoke "HMM VERY FUNNY OH MY GOD THERES SOMETHING ON YOUR FACE "I say getting my hand and gently rubbing his cheek "HMM GUESS HOTNESS DOESNT COME OFF" I say "OK YOU WIN YOU WIN" he says I smirk "ALWAYS DO " i say "OH REALLY "he said raising an eyebrow "YES REALLY "i say back "WELL YOU SHOULD KNOW I ALWAYS GET WHAT I WANT AND I WANT YOU "he said getting close to me "OH REALLY WELL UNFORTUNATLY WE ALL WANT THINGS WE CANT HAVE" I say he smirks "OH YOULL SEE ILL HAVE YOU ALL OVER ME "he said "PLEASE ILL HAVE YOU ON YOUR KNEES " I say smirking and begin to walk away until he grabs my wrist "WHATS YOUR NAME " he asked. "AMBER AND YOURS " I say "JARED AKA YOUR FUTURE BOYFRIEND "he said I laugh and get out of his grip I walk away with a smirk on my face something told me that he was special but I don't know what

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