Chapter 5

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I stared at my phone for a full 20 minutes, just looking at Adrian number. It's been three days since the doctors appointment that gave me the most amazing news of my life. Just thinking about it put a smile on my face.

I'm scared but I have to tell him. "Don't be a coward Case. Just do it. He has a right to know he's going to be a father"

Deep breathe. Deep Breathe. Send

riiiing. riiiing. Nothing

I tried for an hour texting, calling leaving voicemails and he never answered. I guess it'll have to wait untill tomorrow when I go back to school. Starting next week I will be doing classes online since I have to stay on bed rest for most of the pregnancy.

******** next week *******

"Are you ready for your last week," my mom asked me. "Yes and no. Im scared of what Adrian will say and what people will think of me." I told her. I wish I was still a little girl and she could just hold me and make it all better.

But she can't. I'm about to have a baby and be a mother myself, I have to be strong and responsible.

"You will be fine, ok? Just remeber that I love you and I will be here to help you for always."

"Thank you and I love you too. See you later," I slid carefully out of the car careful of my growing baby. Mmm my baby. I know I have a very goofy smile on my face thinking about it.

"Casey! Case! Over here!?" someone was calling my name. I looked over and my smile drooped from my face. Putting a hand protectively over my stomach. Hurt and pain went through my body and heart.



a quick update. had to do the clifffy. enjoy.

baby names? genders? how many?

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