Chapter 3

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Waking up in the arms of someone you love after you've done the deed is... pure bliss. The peace i felt when I opened my eyes to sunlight and Adrian was amazing. My first time didn't hurt as much everyone said it would. Maybe it was because my boyfriend was a complete gentlemen who understood and helped me through it. Smiling I rolled over to look at the clock so I knew when to wake my beloved. 12:00 p.m.

"FUCK!," I yelled. 

"What," Adrian said, sitting up and looking startled. "is something wrong." I glared at him not bothering to give him an answer. I practically flew to the shower and got dressed in record time. By this time Adrian had already caught on and was packing our things. He kissed me on my forehead as he walked pass me to take a shower. I put on my clothes and got all our stuff together as I waited for him. In m head I wondered if I made the right decision. I love Adrian but I don't think Adrian loves me. What if all of this was a mistake. "Babe you ready?" I turned around and forced a smile on my face. "Always," I couldn't look him in the eye as I walked passed him, grabbed my stuff and walked out the door to an uncertain future.

********************************* 3 WEEKS LATER

It's been three goddamn weeks, I'm sick and I haven't heard from Adrian. That's right folks my boyfriend has skipped out on me. While I puke my fucking brains out every morning for the last 2 and a half weeks, he hasn't came to visit me once. Not to bring a card, not to see if I'm alive, no soup (even if I wouldn't keep it down). Nothing.

I'm sitting over the toilet moaning in pain when my mom walks in fire spitting from her eyes. "That's enough Casey. We're going to the doctor. I'm your mother and I hate seeing you like this." You and me both I thought to myself. "Mom please don't make me go you know how I feel about hospitals," I heard my weak voice plead with her. All doctors have told me bad news, never anything good to say. Casey we have to take out your tonsils, Casey you have scarlet fever, Casey you broke you ankle, Casey you can't have kids you see where I'm going with this. "Case you know it can't get any worse than last time so buck up and get dressed. Oh and brush your teeth. Thrice."


I hate peeing in cups and wearing these retarded backless gowns. All they do is make it easier for someone to rape you. Once I finished the disgusting deed, I put it in the little tray and made my way to the blood test room. My mom and the doctor were waiting for me after I came back. "What's going on here?"

"Honey the doctor has brought some news from you urine test. Just keep in mind nothing is final until we  get back your blood-work," I stared at her strangely. She seemed disappointed yet excited at the same time. Quite frankly, she was scaring the shit out of me. " Is there something wrong with me? Oh God, do I have cancer?!"

"No Casey, you don't have cancer,"  the doctor said amused. "Well what's wrong with me"

"That's just it sweetie," my mom said before the doctor could speak, "everything's exactly right. I mean it may be slightly bad and embarrassing but it's still perfect. You're getting your dream!"

What the hell was she talking about? How could going to the doctor have anything to do with my dreams? Unless....she couldn't mean. Could she? It slowly started to dawn on me what she was talking about when she finally yelled out: "YOU'RE PREGANAT!!!"

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