Chapter 3: The meeting...

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Hey guys sorry I haven't posted yeasterday (GODDAMIT AJ GET YOUR SHIT RIGHT!!!) *cough cough* anyways here's chapter three if you don't mind my lovely's.

Ps: I put the creatures in here and some may have been gender bender like Seamus (Shyla) and Dan (Dani) and maybe Ze (Stephanie since his real name is Steven as well.) hurhurhur...


Stephanie P.O.V

Oh boy it's finally here, Sunday. Today I take a flight to see Nina at the creatures house. I have to be honest I am going to be nervous being up face to face with the creatures.

This is the first time I get to go to Pax, I'm so exited.

I packed some of my bags and brought them downstairs. To my surprise Alex was down stairs talking to Jose.(authors note: by the way guys Alex and Jose are real if you didn't know. Jose is Stevens actual older cousin and Alex is his friends, if you watch the dropper or dropper 2 they are featured playing with Steven. Anyways back to the story.)

He looked my way and waved at me.

"Hey Steph!" He said with his thick Mexican accent.

"Hey Alex." I walked up to him and gave him a hug, he gave me a big squeeze as well. It's been a while since I've seen him.

"Dude I heard you're going to Colorado for 2 weeks you're so lucky!" He let go.

"I know finally she's getting out of the house."

"Jose!!!" I shouted. "Sometimes you can be so mean!"

"Hehe I'm sorry, it's just you haven't been out of the house for a while I thought it'd be the right time to tease you."


"Yeah yeah, come on before we're late for your flight." Jose said grabbing my bags. He can be mean at some times but he is the bestest cousin I've ever had.

Jose went out of the house, I was going to follow him but I felt a tug on my arm. It was Alex, he looked sad.

"Hey Alex what's wrong."

"I'm going to miss you Steph, I really am."

"It's okay it's only for two weeks."

"Okay...but there's something I want to tell you." He said taking a hold of my left cheek into his hand. "I love you Steph."

"W-what?!" I got hushed by him.

"Please when you get the chance, think about it when you're over there and tell me when you get back home, okay?"

"O-okay." I blushed. I can't believe it, Alex loves me.

I did wanted to respond right now. I wanted to tell him that I might have some feelings for him too, ever since we went to middle school together. But our moment got interrupted by Jose, great.

We went out locking the house first and got in the car. Alex hasn't said a word to me in the whole ride to the airport.

I gave them one last goodbye when they helped me with my luggage's into the airport.

I jogged myself to my gate and turns out they we're already boarding people. To my luck I was on time, if I would've took any longer at getting ready at home and talking with Alex and Jose I would've been late and missed my flight.

-time skip-

Ugh, that was such a horrible flight. I was put up with this annoying little boy who kept making wired noises and a very loud lady who just wouldn't shut up. I was relived when I got off. I was tugged on by my hoddie. I got so annoyed I yelled at the person who did it, soon regretting it.

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