Chapter 25: Jennifer

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Jennifer's POV:

Jennifer slapped a blank, white canvas against the wooden stand, and started pacing. What was she going to paint? This wasn't an amateur competition – no. These other kids were all good at art, just like her; they all loved art for what it was, like her. Back and forth, back and forth, Jennifer's footsteps left small echoes in the enclosed, concrete space.

For inspiration, Jennifer padded over to her stereo and fingered each CD display, unsure of which to choose. There was her all time favorite, Relient K – you can never go wrong with religious music, it's too happy. But she wasn't in the mood for that, so Jennifer to a glance at her other CD's. Jennifer plucked out two other favorites, Switchfoot and Hawk Nelson. With a compromise Jennifer decided to play them both but one at a time.

Jennifer dropped the Hawk Nelson CD into the open spot, and hit play before walking back over to the empty easel and canvas.

Thump. Something was hitting a wall on the other side, just as the music started.

Someone throw your hands up;

If you wanna take a chance then –

Thump. There it went again. Was it the door? Jennifer quickly scratched the thought out, being because she left the door open with a purpose.

I got a hankering for something special;

Tonight's the night it becomes official;

Don't stop the rock –

Thump. Jennifer was busy sitting in a bean bag chair trying to conjure up an idea for what to paint, but apparently that wasn't happening with the noise. Growing irritable, Jennifer stalked over to the stairs and climbed. Once at the top, Jennifer poked her head out and saw nothing. Where was it?

Thump. Jennifer took the last step, and found her parents standing in the evening shadows of the house. What were they doing? Without being caught near the storm cellar (aka her art room), Jennifer took a route through the house to come out from the front, seeming like she'd been in the house the entire time.

“What's going on? I couldn't even hear my music over the thumping.” Jennifer stated.

“What music? We couldn't hear anything.” Jennifer's mother spoke, and turned the face her daughter whilst blocking the way of the commotion.


Jennifer realized her mistake, and quickly tried to recover.

“Oh! Um, I was listening through headphones,” Jennifer nodded along, pleased with her own lie. “What's the commotion all about?”

Thump. “Err,” Jennifer's mom didn't know how to put it lightly, “Well, honey... I didn't want to tell you this now. But given there's a sign up now, but...” Mrs. White was hesitant. Why should she be?

“What is it? It couldn't be that bad, could it?” Jennifer couldn't imagine what it could be, besides...

“We're moving.” Jennifer's mom spoke at the same time that Jennifer said 'Moving?'. “Yeah; I'm sorry, Jennifer. But do you want the good news or bad news first?”

Jennifer paused. “Bad.”

“The house already sold-”

“-What?” Jennifer interrupted her mother. “What could the good news possibly be?” Mrs. White gave her daughter a sympathetic smile, and looked Jennifer in the eye.

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