Chapter 18: Jennifer and Austin

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Jennifer's POV:

Faster than lightening, Adam wrenched his hand from Jennifer's. She flinched as his hands flailed about, but he never struck her. Adam stared at Jennifer in disbelief, not for the first time. The first time had been when Jennifer had spilled a "little" secret. 

Hence the quotation marks. 

But this time - he was staring at her the same way - it was for another reason. Jennifer huffed, and drooped her shoulders in defeat. 

"How long had you known about Bridget's life, Jennifer?" Adam spoke calmly, and it frightened her more than if he were yelling. "So, are you like, a stalker or something? What do you know about me?" Adam's voice only wavered in the slightest, but his composure was a brick wall.

"I'm not a stupid creeper, or, whatever you said I was! The only reason I knew about her was because my mom was her boss," Jennifer glared back at Adam, flapping her own arms around in anger. "That I can promise you. What I can't promise, is your loyalty to me."

"What the hell does that even mean? Loyalty to you? How does that have any relevance to what I'm explaining?" Adam exasperated, his eyes widening in shock. 

"Because you're only listening to them, Tristen and Bridget and Simone and Isaac! Not what I have to say!" Jennifer hissed, bringing her voice back down. It was lunch, and they had tucked away to the courtyard to "discuss" things. "I can't believe that you won't even listen to my side of the story. You're just so shallow, and thick-skulled sometimes!"

"Thick-skulled? I'm thick-skulled? At least I can read!" Adam shouted. 

The last syllables seemed to crack the air, echoing down the empty corridor. Each sound, syllable, and letter held a thousand daggers, pricking her heart with pain. How could he say that? Jennifer's own words were swiped from her lips, and she felt tears pricking her eyes.

Before Adam could try to snatch back the retched words, or say anything else, Jennifer broke into a run down the hall. Where was she going? Jennifer wasn't sure, letting her feet and mind take her to where they wanted.

Past the blue lockers, past the dark, wooden doors that lead into classrooms, past the main office, and out the heavy, glass doors that kept her trapped here for ages. Jennifer kept running, her feet never getting sore and her chest never getting tight; it felt nice to run freely, as she wanted. 

There were no eyes that scowled and judged, and there was no laughing or insulting words.

It was bliss.

* * *

Austin's POV:

For a few days now, Austin was now vowing to shed his weight. That explains the water, apples and one serving of a whole meal that was laying on his tray. Sure, diet wasn't all that it was about but Austin couldn't just get up and run laps around the cafeteria, now could he?

Also, Austin wasn't eating alone today, at lunch. It made him smile for once; Deborah sitting across from him telling her own tales of life, while Austin kept chewing and nodding, giving a "Yes" or "No", or a small smile. But other than that, it was a peaceful, upbeat conversation.

That is, until he caught a motion in the corner of his eye.

Turning his head so fast that he thought he'd get whiplash, Austin saw Jennifer's figure retreating down the hall. Downing a nervous gulp of water, Austin glanced back at Deborah.

"You got somewhere to be?" Deborah inquired, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Austin slipped a quick, apologetic nod. "Yeah, sorry about that. I'll try to get back when I can." Austin promised with a tight, anxious grip on the plastic bottle of water in his hands.

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