Chapter 17: Bridget

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Bridget's POV:

Bridget didn't think Jennifer would turn her back on Bridget; she was sure she had Jennifer right where she wanted her, after all of the pretending to be her friend and being so nice. Yet, all of the work was down the toilet - not her secret, though. Bridget wished it was that easy.

Instead, Jennifer decided she thought she was actually cool; she even started going out with Adam, even though he was way too cute for her. Oh well.

From now, Bridget felt like Jennifer needed to be taken down a notch. That girl, one day, may take Bridget's place and Bridget was not repeating what occured in 6th grade; that would take a huge toll on Bridget and wasn't sure if she could handle it.

"What did happen in sixth grade?" A voice chirped next to her. Bridget jumped in her chair, and had completely forgot that Simone was sitting next to her. Ah, Simone. Bridget loved the girl to death - she was a b*tch when she need be, a great listener when she wanted to, and really funny when she was in the mood. 

Bridget sighed, and gave Simone a pitiful smile, a somber one, as she started her tale.

"You know, there are reasons that people don't remember me in 6th grade, you know, 'You went to my school? I never saw you!'. I used to be what people like Jennifer are, or even that Austin kid. Under the radar, where no one wants to know you, or be with you... I guess I forgot what it's like, after all that I've been through this year - 9th grade - as one of you guys. But now I remember how I used to be that ugly kid, the chubby, zit-faced kid in the back of the classroom, trying to be the teacher's pet; but the prettier, thinner kids were always there first..." Bridget faltered. Simone just kept a stone-straight face, only nodding to signal that Bridget should go on.

"But now I remember the pain, the hurting that I used to feel. And now, I remember not wanting to feel that pain again; I want to stay where I am, but with how much you all seem to be loving Jennifer, I'm just really upset that I may slip back down. Simone, you may not remember - no one may remember - but I used to cut. The life at home was a hard one, and the life at school was worse. But the pain from teh cuts stopped reminding me and took my attention from my mental pain. To me, the physical pain felt better to me than any emotional pain could bring me." Bridget cut herself off, biting her lip to keep the tears back.

Simone's mouth was left agape, and she was at a loss for words. "You used to cut?" 

Bridget nodded, and pulled up a sleeve to expose the scars. Simone's eyes went wide, nearly the size of moons. "How did we not find these? You've worn short-sleeved shirts before!" Simone exclaimed, and gently cupped Bridget's wrists in her hands. 

Bridget shrugged. "Whenever I do wear short sleeves, I did try to hide it," Bridget averted her gaze, to every nook and cranny but Simone's gaze. "I guess you all just didn't look for it."

Simone shook her head vigorously, in awe and shock. Bridget continued speaking, not quite finished. "You know why my home life was so hard?" A silence met Bridget's question.

"Because you guys can't afford much?" Simone pondered with raised eyebrows. Bridget shook her head, and let her hands drop into her lap from Simone's grip.

"Because of my brother," Bridget took a deep breath. "The pushing, the shoving, the name-calling. I never actually had bruises on me - never. He wouldn't have allowed it, for me to show pain around my parents. It was verbal abuse, what he did to me. My mother never thought about it."

"Where was your father?" Simone cocked her head to the side, a questioning look in her eyes.

"At the time, he was never home," Bridget murmured, losing the effort to speak. "But now, he and my mom are divorced." Simone didn't have anymore words, and neither did Bridget. They both were tired of speaking, but they didn't need words anyway.

Simone pulled Bridget into a tight, emotional hug. "Thank you for listening to me." Bridget spoke quietly, tears silently streaming down her puffy cheeks. Oh God, Bridget hated crying - but she couldn't stop it.

 After the whole, mumbo-jumbo, "waa-waa boo hoo" speech with Simone, Bridget took a trip to the bathroom - alone. Bridget had to shove Simone back to class; oh, the sweet girl.

Now she stood over the sink, glaring at her own reflection in the mirror. Her face was flushed, paler than before, and that was saying something. The normal her had some seriously dark blue eyes, yet here they were as light as the sky - as light as Jennifer's. The bags under her eyes were bigger, redder, and puffy-er. Bridget's hair was disheveled, a crumpled mess.

Quiet as she could, Bridget ran two slim fingers under each eye to clean up make-up, before moving those fingers to run through her hair. God, she was such a mess. Why had she even spilled her entire life story out to Simone?

No matter how sweet or compassionate Simone may seem, she was the school's biggest gossip. Maybe Bridget should've hidden in the bathroom like any other cliché, hormonal, teen...



I know, I know.... :c A short chappie after a long wait.

But its a filler.... I guess... *confused face* yet, it gives you a little more insight of Simone and Bridget. So, now you see their sensitive sides. :D I was feeling emotional at the start of the chapter, but by the end I was struggling with ideas for the chapter... ill make the next chapter BIG for you guys!

So, yeah... that's all for now. Song of the chapter: "Both of Us" by B.o.B and T. Swifty (; ... I used to adore this song! but then I forgot about it. then I heard it. and love it again! yaaaaay! AAAAAND so that's all.

Byee, my lovely dovely'sss. love you all !(; Vote, comment, tell your pet rock, Alfred. I hear Alfred loves these kinds a books! :D xx

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