Chapter 21: Deborah

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(So, for those of you that had been waiting (SILENTLY, may I add -_-) here is PART 2 OF DEBBY's TRIP)

In the last chapter:


The walk was short, and Charlotte didn't say a thing the entire time.

Deborah imagined that she was just excited. Yay, I get ride of the little homeless charity case! But maybe not, Deborah countered herself, Charlotte did sign up for Social Security for a reason.

Deborah's eyes stayed focused to the floor the entire hike, whilst deep in thought. Once they reached the visiting room, Deborah's eyes shot up and searched the place for any young couple. Old couple. Middle-aged couple. Whatever couple. Deborah was just suddenly feeling very desperate, despite feeling bitterness only 20 minutes ago.

No couple was in site.

Deborah's heart sank. Deeper than she'd ever imagine - she'd figured people were exaggerating when they said their hearts dropped to their stomachs. She could feel her heart crack. It was painful.

Charlotte read the expression on Deborah's face, and pulled Deborah into a tight, compassionate hug. Maybe one of these days, Deborah should ask Char why she cares so much.

Just as the two of them were about to step back out, a semi-young couple walked into the room from an opposite door across the room. The woman was blonde, and the man was brunette. Both were well-groomed, but that's all that Deborah could tell from that distance.

"Could that be them?" Deborah murmured to Charlotte, not really giving the couple a good look until they'd get closer. Charlotte shrugged, standing at a halt, not having moved towards them an inch - like they were foreign creatures.

"Um... We're looking for Deborah James?" The female called out across the empty room, whilst taking slow, cautious steps toward Deborah and Charlotte.

"Yeah - ahem, yes. That's us." Charlotte was using her professional voice now. Deborah felt the cold shoulder.

As the couple grew closer, they were looking very, very familiar.

Oh, crap.


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Deborah's POV:

“Um...” Deborah just stared, as the giddy couple continued to walk forward. “Hi.”

Oh. My. Gosh. Deborah could not believe who was standing in front of her own eyes. Quickly she turned on her heels to see Char behind her. “Is this a joke?” Deborah asked, without lowering her voice. “A 'Ha ha, only one last cruel prank before you go.'? Because you got me! I'm laughing so hard tight now – HAHA – that tears are coming to my eyes! Thanks, Charlotte!” Deborah flailed her arms about, raising her voice.

“No... I promise, I had nothing to do with this -”

“Oh really? So, I guess splitting up my best friend's family wasn't enough, so you bring in my favorite babysitting gig's parents? This was a good one.”

“What're you talking about, Debs? Mr. Millards? I didn't split anyone up, and none of his family's damn drama had to do with me!” Charlotte screeched; Austin's dad must've been a sensitive subject.

Deborah didn't reply, just whirled back around. “So, a good-bye joke? I loved your daughter – Taryn – so much, and this is it. The big way of saying adios.”

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