At My New Owner's

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*Ashley P.O.V.

  About 20 minutes later we arrive at his house, it has pillars, and it's a soft teal with black trim. I immediately take a liking to it. He lifts me out of the seat, into his strong arms, and carries me up into his house. That is after a bit of a struggle with the keys. He walks in and sits me down gently on the couch, and asks me if I want any milk. I nod. He says he'll be right back and leaves, a split second later he pokes his head back in to say, "You can turn on the TV if you'd like."

  He comes back and when he sits down I flinch, but he doesn't seem to notice, and hands me a glass of milk. I stare at the glass in my hand, he glances at me, and realizes that I'm used to licking it out of a bowl. He gingerly brings it up to my lips... I slurp. He starts laughing, while I sit on the couch completely lost. He then says, "You have to open your mouth a bit more" an to demonstrate he brings his glass to his lips and takes a drink. I try to copy his movements, but end up thinking I'm holding it to tight, loosen my grip on the cup, and drip it. As soon as it hits the ground, I scramble off the back of the couch, and up the stairs. I blindly run into a room, and close the goddamn door with a sense of poise and not much rationality(Brenden must be proud of me). it slowly dawns on me that I'm into a ton of trouble, but didn't hear footsteps follow me up here.

*Andy P.O.V. <----And a wild Andy appears

He dropped the glass, and ran, as if he was in trouble. Truth be told, I (never was yous, the fear of falling apart) didn't care in the slightest about the cup. I calmly got up, following his moves to get off the back of the couch, definitely not as graceful as he had in his mad panic(!) of getting beaten. I hear a door shut, and go to that door to hear soft singing, like it calmed him. I listened for a moment to hear:

 I'm an Asshole baby

I reply to his soft singing in a soft tone, "no you're not. you just dropped a glass, you didn't know any better." I hear his soft snuffling stop and he opens the door just a crack and asks, "So you're not going to beat me for breaking your glass?" I tell him no, and to reassure him, I go downstairs after telling him to follow me, and get him a plastic cup of milk. He drinks this one easier, looking at me the whole time, like my kindness hides a beast. I finish my cup of coffee, as that was what i was drinking. Once we both finish, he looks as if he's going to fall asleep, and I ask him if he needs to go to sleep. He nods, that's all he can do, he can't talk. I gingerly pick him up and carry him up the stairs, and lay him on my bed. He curls up, on top of the comforter (the big blanket on top of the sheets, in case you didn't know, or was confused) I simply walk o another room and get in bed and let the blackness take over me.

*The Next Day*

The doorbell wakes me up. I go to get up, but I find Ashley, I think his name is, half laying on top of me, and half on the bed.I gently lift his sleeping top half off of me and go to get the door. I open the door to find...


A/N: That's the chapter. I don't know how I ended up making so many P!ATD references, but there they are. I'm just going where my fingers type, I know that sounds cheesy, but it's true. I basically just told you I'm making this up as I go along. I used to do this as a kid, I had an amazing imagination, but I must have unintentionally suppressed it. I guess because I have friends, I didn't as a little kid, my imagination was my only friend-wait, does that me make me have schizophrenia anyway-back to the topic at hand, so now it's resurfacing and I'm actually writing stuff down. Wow that got deep, but, you all deserve to know. Anyways, make as many suggestions as you want, I'll pick some and put them in my story. and I just realized, I'm writing another story called Warped Tour, it's about me, my friends, and the bands I like, just search my name, and it's there. Stay Happy, not Crappy. Life's a Bitch, Don't Quit. Peace Out Rainbow Unicorns!

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