Happy Ending.

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6 Years Later

It's been six years since that day on the cliff, six years of help, six years of being together, six years of each other.

Raffe and Archer have been together through the worst times, when Raffes Grandpa died, when Archer’s aunt had cancer, they were there for one another, and they still love each other. They were meant to be.

Today the big day. They are committing to the love of their lives, just like everybody wanted them to.

I just hope that they last longer than we did.

*Archers P.O.V*


"Archer man, calm down!" Rein pats me on the back

"I can't calm down, this is a big deal!" I shout staring at him, breathing in and out erratically.

"Been there done that, it’s not a big deal, seriously. You'll be fine" Neville says from the other side of the room. How could he say that this isn’t a big deal, were getting MARRIED! In one of the biggest churches I’ve ever seen, you may as well call it a cathedral and all her family are going to be there and I have to meet them.

"What If she doesn’t want to do it anymore, what if she realised how much of an idiot I am and backs out?" I ask

"She's had six years and trust me she knows" Rein tells me smiling

"Oh shit" I mutter

"You're worse than Raffe" Finn says coming out of his change room.

"Well great!" I yell. I take a seat on the stool and put my head in my hands.

"What are so scared of?" Neville asks.

"Of her leaving me there" I tell them

"Not likely to happen, she's more likely to come out and punch you first, then walk out" Rein comforts me

"Wow thanks" I reply sarcastically.

"What else?" Neville asks

"I don't know, life in general" I moan sitting on the chair and putting my head on the table.

"Two minutes" Harley dad pops his head in the door "oh god, you're not having second thoughts are you?" He asks kneeling in front of me.

"No, I just, I want to, but I..." I stutter

"Don't think about it, I was the same way on my wedding day, just get out there and don’t think about it" he slaps me on the back and I rock forward.

I take a deep breath in and remember the day that I proposed, how happy we both were, I mean if she leaves me there, what’s the worst that could happen?

"Let's go boys" I stand and head out the door, suddenly determined.

I lead them out of the change room, pulling on my sleeves and fix up my suit. I walk down the aisle and say hello to all my relatives I haven’t seen in a good while, slowly making my way closer to the altar.

"Good luck man" Rein pats me on the back and they all walk back out to get the girls, so they can walk them down the aisle.

I stand up there by myself, near the priest, my heart beating a million miles an hour, my stomach doing flips of anticipation.

Then the music starts it’s a hallelujah cover by Paramore. It starts slowly, but anxiety takes over and things get worse from here, my hands go clammy and I have to start breathing manually, you could say I'm a little bit nervous.

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