Chapter 17: The last thing on your mind.

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🎶 Don't think too hard if you think it hurts that bad. Don't talk about it, don't let it get you down. It's only one part of the story. Just let go, don't let it get you down now. Sing the last thing on your mind, the last word on your breath. I'll be the one to keep you, I'll keep you at your best... 🎶

1 am the night of the accident: Adam's pov.

I closed my eyes as the thrumming of rain turned into the screeching of tires. After that there was only pain as I flew backwards hitting the pavement with a thunk. The rain hit with icy tendrils as warm blood seeped from my limbs mingling with the rain. I grunted as my whole body ached finding it impossible to move. I could vaugley hear the sound of a car driving away and the raindrops as they pelted the ground with fury. None of that mattered. My only thought in the moment was of Brielle. I wanted her in my life, and I despised the thought of her being alone again. Despite everything she was my Cinderella. Brielle, the last word on my breath before the darkness closed in and my head lips could stay open no longer.

Brielle's POV ( present day)

I bounced my legs up and down on the floor tapping the cell phone on my knee as I did so. I had somehow managed to convince everyone that I'd be okay while they went to get lunch despite the fact that my insides felt hallow. I couldn't keep my thoughts from the way Adam looked and that way the monitor had flatlines right before I had been dragged out. I also couldn't help but wonder what his last thoughts has been before he was hit, before everything changed. Flopping the phone from hand to hand I dreaded the call I was about to make. I paced the room, running my fingers through my hair. No matter how long I stared the doors never opened up; never told me more about Adam. My heart raced at the thought of never seeing those brown eyes again, and I could feel the cold panic rising in my threatening to take over all else. No matter how much I tried to deny it my life without Adam was empty and void of so much. I turned on the phone sliding my fingers against the buttons before the panic could envelop me, slowing sailing the number I least wanted to.

"Hello," Adam's mom answered before I could chicken out.

I chocked back a sob at the sound of her voice, and took a deep breath before speaking.

"Hello Mrs. Young," It's umm Brielle," I mumbled biting my lip hard.

"Brielle, is everything alright?" She spoke calmly.

"No.." My voice shook as I started speaking faster trying to get the words out. "You see last night Adam was out and got hit by a car and it's really all my fault and we have no idea if he's going to be okay or not.."

"Brielle have you seen him yet?" She asked trying to sound calm for my safe.

"Umm no.." I lied unable to tell her the truth about how lifeless he looked. "but it's my fault that he's in so much pain. "

"Brielle it's not your fault.You weren't the one that hit him." I could tell that she was crying too. "You're not alone are you?"

"Of course not," I sniffled looking around the empty waiting room "Whole touring band is here."

"Alright, we'll make arrangements as soon as possible to be there. Hang in there. Adam has a lot to live for, including you," She spoke gently but I could tell her voice was starting to shake. "We'll see you, Adam won't give up."

"Okay, Thanks. I'll see you later," I whispering hanging up the phone as more tears ran down my face.

It felt like I had been picked up by a tornado that kept picking up speed, tossing my around as if I were nothing, until finally it would drop me breaking everything that was left of me. I must have dozed off, because I woke with a start. The feeling that something was wrong weighing deeply upon my heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2016 ⏰

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