Sender falls

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"Love is like a flame...burning."

(A/n: I am so very sorry for the late update I've been busy... So here we go! #Wingingit)

"So...this Black bonsai tree, do you suppose I should give it to Graysama?" Juvia question as she  studied the strange little seed the giants gave her.

"Ehh if you want too..." Natsu said unenthusiastic.

Natsu honestly didn't want Juvia to give the gift to Gray. The gift the giants gave to her was something cool and something special. Something they did together.

"...But I don't think Gray would want it," Natsu said bluntly.

Juvia looked up to him.

"His a cold hearted jerk. He never appected any of your other gifts..." Natsu said as he cleared a passway through the orange forest trees,"-That black head!"

"...oh...," Juvia looked down,"Perhaps you're right...," Juvia said sounding bumped out.

A few days ago Juvia would have been furious for Natsu to say something about her beloved and perhaps would have gave a rude comment back. But this time she shrugged her shoulders and kept quite. Maybe Gray will never have room in his heart...for Juvia.

"...plant it together..."

Juvia stopped in her tracks and looked up to Natsu,"What?"

She was obviously in deep thought he missed what Natsu said about the plant.

Natsu stopped and looked back as he cleared the pathway of orange vines,"I said: When we get back, we should plant it together,"
"" Juvia raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah! It'll be fun because its special!"

"S..sp...special?" Juvia question the word.

"Yeah! It's special because when that plant grows into a tree, it'll be the reminder of Juvia and Natsu's adventures! Our adventures!"

"Our Adventures?"

"Yeah! Its our tree, we can call it the Navia tree!"

"Navia?" Juvia wondered.

"It's our names put together! Na for Natsu and Via for Juvia," Natsu explained nonchalantly.

Juvia slap her hands on her cheeks as her face turned red.

How could Natsu be so causal of pairing Juvia's name along with his own name to make a cute-couple name!!!?????? @.@

"What would rival Lucy think!???" Juvia said that last part out loud.

"Eh she might think it'll be werid at first but she'll get over it," Natsu explained casually.

Juvia froze with horror. Juvia said that out loud!? And his okay with that!?

"Hey, Juv... You okay?" Natsu asked.

"GGGGAAAHHH NOW Natsu is calling Juvia a nickname!?" Juvia said out loud again, (¤¬¤"') .

"Juvia, you don't have to freak out so much. Its okay if we have nicknames and do things together. Its because, we are friends," Natsu explained.

"Friends? Right, that's right...we are friends..." Juvia said to herself.

"Great, now let's finally go threw this werid forest...," Natsu said.

Why does Juvia felt werid around Natsu all of a sudden? Was it something he said? Was it the planting the tree together? Even so, why do Juvia feel....nervous around him? Natsu said it himself that Juvia and him are friends...therefore, Juvia should feel relax....

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