Goodbye Rain.

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In all her life Rain was always around her. It was a part of her. Rapping itself around her in a cool wet blanket of tears and sorrow. What could anyone expect from that gloomy Rainwoman.

Rain greeted her on wet dreary mornings. And Rain stayed in that boring afternoon. By sundown, Rain tapped gently on her window just outside her lonely bedroom. And by the next day, Rain would be outside waiting for her. Oh how Rain missed her so. No wondered she romanticized of the sun.

But that Rainwoman Juvia, had expect this from Rain. Rain was clingy and most of her life, and she accepted it. Welcoming that dreadful Rain. But Rain was loyal, and a bit obsessive.

Anyone who got within a mile radius of Juvia, Rain greeted them with tears; reminding them that it will always be at their side.

"Damn, what's with all this Rain?"

" sure is gloomy,"

"Man, I'd wish the sun would just come out,"

"Yeah no kidding! Oi! My socks are wet!"

"Ugh! There's nothing worst then wet socks!"

"Couldn't of imagine living somewhere with all this damn rain!"

"It'd make me depress, that's for damn sure!"

Juvia would hear whispers and voices behind her.

Rain was very gloomy, it haunted her like a ghost tormenting her as time stood still. But although Rain was so much of a depressing wave, Rain was apart of Juvia. It was her Rain. And hearing people talk about the rain essentially made Juvia feel..despress.

No one wanted to be around miss rain. No one wanted to play with her when she was a kid, nor want to spend any time with her as she aged into a fine young woman. Even in her older teens, dating was hard to come bye. Her dates would leave her, due to all the rain in her life. She was frustrated that it Rain harder when she was sad. But the more she cried, the more rain fell. She knew it wouldn't magically disappeared. She wished the rain to go way so much that she even spend hours a day making prayer dolls. Dolls that she wished and prayed for the rain stop harassing her.

But the Rain hadn't stop until that very bluenette maiden met that raven hair, Gray.

And on that day she waved a farewell, and said "Goodbye Rain," for the first time.

A/n: Hello! Hi! Hiya! So welcome to the end of the first chapter! I hope you enjoyed reading it! I do apologize if I got a bit repetitive mentioning the whole rain thing, I know you probably like,"okay! We get it! Yeah it's Rain! Hi, How are ya?-can we just move on!" ...-3- so yeah, again I apologize.

But um, if you haven't notice, or maybe you have, but I wrote this story very different. But I promise you that writing style won't stay for too long. I was just experimenting on my creativity!

Oh and yes we went back in time to Juvia's depress life before Fairy Tail and I mentioned meeting Gray again. But I'm not gonna get into all that bc most of us, have already been there seen that, so we are moving on! XD So yeah! Thanks agian! ... I'm not even sure if anyone even reads...the author note or even my stuff (=¬=")...So...uhhh...if ya did, comment a
:) smiley in the comments! Thank you! :)

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