Chapter 6

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Silence hung heavy in the air while everyone tried to digest what the hat had just said.

I looked out over the tables to see if anyone understood what the hat was saying. Why was it a big deal? Didn’t it do something like this every year? I must ask someone later.

Two people who looked completely identical stood up next to each other and turned towards the head table, “Headmaster McGonagall, we are sorry to say that we have taken the hat’s message to mean that we have free rein to prank until Hogwarts falls down, metaphorically speaking of course. Also if you have an uneven amount of complaints about us from Slytherins, you should remember that the hat said that we are all equal, so technically we are not targeting them.” They spoke together, finishing each other’s sentences. When their speech was done they high-fived each other and sat down.

The silence hung for a second more while people were taking in their message, before the table that they had just sat down at rung with laughter.

“ENOUGH!” Came a shout from the head table, though I could not see who said it, it must of been from Headmaster McGonagall.

“It is time to sort the first-years into their houses,” came the same voice, “children when I call your name you must walk forward and put the hat on your head, it will then decide what house is right for you. That house will then become your family for the next seven years.”

“Bonnie, Helen” A small girl with dull brown hair walked up slowly towards the stool. She sat carefully and put the hat on her head.

“Huffelpuff!” The hat yelled out.

The sorting went quickly until I heard;

“Dursley, Petunia”

It seemed like everyone was staring at me as I walked towards the hat. I sat carefully down on the stool. I placed the hat on my head and waited for something to happen.

All of a sudden the hat started speaking “Hm, another Potter it looks like.”

“N-No sir, he is my uncle.”

“Oh I know, but his blood still runs strong in you. Now I see that you are brave, look how you acted on the train. You are also smart, you could do well as a Ravenclaw. You would not do well as a Huffelpuff or a Slytherin. I think it must be....GRYFINDOR!”

I weakly stood up from the stool and turned towards the table that had the loudest cheering. I saw Lily waving me over towards her where she had a couple of open seats next to her.

“Congrats on carrying on the family tradition!”


The sorting carried on slowly after I had gone, soon Hugo was called up. As soon as the hat touched his head it yelled out “GRYFINDOR!”

One of the people who had given the speech muttered to the other “Don’t even know why they test us anymore.” Now that I look at them closer I notice that they look a lot like Lily and Hugo.

“Hey Lily, who are they?” I ask pointing to them as Hugo sat down beside me.

“Oh, those are our cousins, Fred and Roxy, they are fraternal twins. They also happen to be Hogwart’s residing pranksters, carrying after their father.”

Slowly the line of first years dwindled until only Leon Malfoy was left. All of the Gryfindors had already turned their attention to the table waiting for the feast to begin. There were mutters of “Don’t know why we should wait for him to be sorted, we all know were he’s going,” going around the table.

“Mafloy, Leon”

It seemed like Leon had sat up there for over an hour with the hat on his head, there were mutters of “hatstall” going around the hall.

Finally Leon opened his eyes and the hat opened the tear in his brim to say;


Ha! Ha! How many of you expected that???? Vote Comment Vote Comment!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

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