Chapter Eight

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Been a while hasn't it? Well, vacation time really does become distracting. Writing becomes obsolete so we hope you understand :)


“Oh, my gosh, Meghan” Rebecca squealed “Is it true that Chris is like…your boyfriend? And I heard that he got into a fight with the new boy over you. What was that all about?” She finished, giving me this weird creepy look that said ‘spill or die’.

Rebecca is the gossip magazine of this school. She always knows the juiciest and newest gossip. You wanna know anything about anything? Ask her and you’ll find out in a heartbeat.

She’s also super annoying and thinks she’s the hottest thing out there since Beyoncé. I wonder if she isn’t related to Rebecca Black, both as annoying and annoying and annoying with that annoying voice. ß

See, what I did there? Hehehe.

“Yes and yes, but it wasn’t really over me.” I had to explain everything to her or she would go around the school telling everybody false information. Lord knows that would be disastrous.

“What happened was, I got assigned to show Alexander, the new boy, around. So, we were outside talking and he said he likes to go to the beach. But when he said that, Chris happened to be passing by and he thought Alexander called me a b-i-t-c-h.”

I rolled my eyes and flailed my arms in a helpless manner so as to sound and look more convincing. “Don’t ask me why, okay? Who knows why boys are the way they are? I’m still trying to figure out how all of it went down without getting a migraine.” I sighed and fiddled with the slightly frayed edges of my history textbook before continuing.

“So…as you can surmise, he got mad, and asked Alexander to apologize and Alexander said he would rather fight than to apologize for something he didn’t say. Then they started fighting like lunatics. Luckily, Lance and Chase broke them off cuz I sure as heck wasn’t getting in between them to stop anything.

I shivered involuntarily. “They could’ve punched my face in or something.”

“Ooo, so the new boy is a bad boy, huh? Well, I like him already.” Okay, she bought it. Thank God! Now, she’ll be so busy gossiping about Alexander being a bad boy, she won’t give me a moment’s notice. That would take some attention off me for a long while.

“So how does he look?” she asked.

“Well he-.”

“Meghan and Rebecca, mind joining us or do you want to keep having an animated conversation while I’m trying to teach?” Ms. White scolded making me jump nearly a foot in the air. We turned around quickly to face her and didn’t talk again. We probably just didn’t dare. Heh.

Ugh! I just wanted this day to get over with, go home, take a shower, eat and go to sleep.

“So during World war II…”

It was like, I heard her talking but at the same time, I didn’t. I zoned out, basically. I mean, I loved History class and all but I just couldn’t focus on anything but Alexander’s beautiful eyes. They were stuck in my head for some sick twisted reason.

I barely snapped back into reality when the bell rang dismissing class. I was disturbed by the fact that I had spent nearly a whole period thinking about a guy I’m supposed to hate. Tisking, I gathered my stuff, got up and headed to my next class.

I was walking down the hallway on my way there when I saw Alexander. He was leaning on one of the lockers with giggling girls around him. Well, he adjusted quickly. I kept walking, trying not to mind him chillin there while bimbos flirted with him, when he called me.

Ugh, why? Why me, baby jesus?

“Yes?” I said with a bit of attitude. Hopefully he would get the point and leave me the hell alone but he probably didn’t, seeing as how he just kept walking toward me.

“I know you’re still mad because of everything that happened and I am truly sorry…uhm… I just wanted to know if you would sit with me at lunch so we could chat a little and work things out and maybe get to know each other a little so I’d know how to make things up to you.” He said his eyes filled with hope. I smiled at the thought of him actually caring. He smiled back.

“Sure” I said.

I started to walk away when I heard this annoying high-pitched voice say: “Babe, why don’t you sit with me at lunch instead?”

Ew! Ruth, I could recognize this trick’s voice anywhere. It made me wanna barf everytime. She is the school’s biggest slut, and before we go in deeper, let me tell you, her and I, we have history.And not the good kind either.

I shook the thought of wanting to strangle her out of my head and walked to class. Let him deal with her and see how that goes. Pfft! See, if I care…


I was heading down to the cafeteria for lunch when someone gently grabbed my arm and spun me around. I smiled mid-turn. Who else would it be but Chris?

“Hey babe.” he whispered as he kissed me on the cheek and held me close.

“Hey” I said in a low voice. I was kind of sorry for upsetting him this morning, but I had no choice but to lie for Alexander, or he would go to jail. Sometime I wondered why I even cared. He almost did commit a crime. Shouldn’t that warrant some kind of punishment and shouldn’t I want him to receive it?

I confused myself sometimes.

“I’m sorry I flipped out like that this morning.” He said softly. “It’s just that I couldn’t understand why you defended him. But after thinking on it for a bit, I couldn’t ignore that you’ve always been a good-hearted person. I should have understood sooner. I’m sorry baby.”

He wrapped his arms around me and I frowned a little as I looked up at him. “No Chris, I should be the one apologizing to you.” I said sadly. “I’m the one dragging you into my messy life. You shouldn’t have to go through this with me. I’m the one that’s under pressure, not you. If you left me right now, I would understand but that would really break my heart.”

I looked away, my eyes filling with tears. I keep telling myself I won’t cry anymore but these darn tears just keep ruining everything. Before I could will them away, I just started crying right there, in his arms, on the school stairs.

“Shh, I’m never leaving you babe. Never…I’ll be yours forever…unless you change your mind about us and leave me.” He said as he kissed my forehead and squeezed me tighter. “I’ll stay as long as you allow me to, I promise, okay?”

“I’ll always be with you, Chris.” I bended his head down so he could look at me. I kissed him. “Babe?”


“Don’t be mad but…” I didn’t know how to tell him. “I’m going to sit with Alexander at lunch. Since I’m going to be seeing him a lot, we need to work things out beforehand. Please don’t be mad at me. It has everything to do with what is expected of me by the principal and nothing to do with any interest in him. Please understand.”

“I’m not mad babe, I understand. I’ll keep my eyes on you all the time though. Any false moves he makes and I’ll attack him like a wild animal.” He smiled and kissed my lips. “Now, dry those pretty eyes.”

“I love you, Chris” I said. I wiped my tears away. Thank the Lord I wasn’t wearing any make-up or I’d be a total streaked up mess.

“I love you too, Meg” he took my hand we walked to the cafeteria together ready to face a new challenge.


Excuse the crap licking chapter you guys. hehe. I'm sick as a dog and just couldn't really focus on my part for this chap but I tried my best and got outta bed to post for you.

Hope u like it anyway. We'll try and get another chap up soon. *wink* 

Luv ya!

**Goddess and Angy out**

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