Chapter 9

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"Inviting you to the party was a dare, there damn Ricky how hard was that." Jc screamed over the music, wait what does he mean a 'dare'. "What are you talking about?" I questioned somewhat affended. "Everyone dared Ricky to invite you here, trust me no one would invite a nasty pig like you to a party like this." Jc laughed, causing everyone to look at me and laugh.

I needed to get out so I did, I ran through the crowd towards the door. Running past all of the drunk passed out body's that were spread across the lawn. "Isabel." A voice yelled after me, I knew it was Paris. I ran down the sidewalk trying to find my blue Ford Focus, damn it I don't remember where I parked it.

"Isabel!" The voice yelled again as I kept running, I will not turn around. "Isabel, goddamn it just let me explain!" Ricky yelled from behind me, wait Ricky's the one chasing after me, strange.

"Explain what Ricky." I screamed turning on my heels to face him. "Why I did it." Ricky gasped searching for air. "No Ricky I know why you did it. You did it cause you want to break someone that's already broken." I yelled, Ricky looked at me with a confused look. "What do you mean?" Ricky questioned. "Nevermind , than tell me why you did it you have 2 minutes."

"I did it to be popular, for people to like me, everyone thought it would be funny so I did it." Is he serious? "That's bullshit Ricky." I growled. "No its not I just want to fit in." Ricky said. "Oh so this was all a prank just so you could 'be popular', you know what Ricky your a piece of shit." I yelled holding back tears. "Isabel I'm sorry." Ricky yelled. "Fuck you Ricky!" I screamed turning around heading towards my car.

When I hopped into my car, I immediately started it and tried to leave but Ricky came and knocked on my window, so I rolled it down. "Look Ricky its over, you tried to hurt me, and you did, congradu-fuckin-lations Ricky." I said, driving away. How could he, wait that's right he doesn't know about my parents that's how he did it so easily.

I finally arrived home and rushed inside, breaking down in tears when I closed the door behind me. How could he? Did my 'friends' know? All these questions but no answers. I need to stop crying its not worth it.

I was about to get up when I heard a knock at the door, who the hell could that be. So got up and dusted myself off so I could answer the door.

I opened the door to reveal non other than Ricky. "Go the fuck away I have nothing to talk to you about." I said going to slam the door in his face. "No Isabel I need to explain myself." Ricky stated stopping me from closing the door. "No Ricky you don' t, I understand just leave it at that." But he didn't listen to me instead and pushed pass me and walked straight to the kitchen island.

"Look Ricky I understand that your trying to help but its not working." I sat down at the bar stool next to him. "Isabel I'm sorry I shouldn't have done any of this to you, calling you piggy, inviting you as a dare, treating you like shit, I regret it all." Ricky said tears filling up his eyes. "Ricky your drunk, you won't remember saying any of this so why try?" I said picking at my fingers. "I'm not drunk, I only pretended to be, I've only been drunk twice in my life and I regretted ever doing it, so I just pretend cause of my friends." Is he serious.

"Are you serious, just cause your friends you pretend to be drunk?" I questioned, I mean come on. "Yea they're the reason I do anything anymore, I used to be the bullied one, I never smoke nor drank, I never did stupid shit like I do now, and then they came along and renewed me." Ricky cried, wait him crying wow this must be something.

"So all of this was cause of them." I asked. "Yea, I don't like being mean especially to you, I'd always wanted to be your friend but they hated you so that's the only way I could fit in, I always wish I could say sorry but never found the chance til now, and I know it sounds like bullshit but its true Isabel and I'm truly sorry." Ricky explained with tears pooling on his cheeks.

"Wow Ricky, why did you wait this long to finally tell me?" I questioned. "We have never really been alone like we are right now, so I never could tell you." Ricky exclaimed, wiping his tears with his sleeve. "Yea I guess, wait you said you always wanted to be friends with me?" I remembered. "Yea you are a nice person and I always wished we could be friends but once I became friends with Jc that didn't happen." Ricky told me, it all makes sense now.

"But why did you still call me piggy out of school." I asked, hoping he could answer my question. "It stuck I guess I really don't know, but I do know that I didn't mean it." Wow I never thought in a million years the Ricky Dillon the worst 'asshole' in school, besides Jc, would confess this to me.

"Well you better head back to your party." I said breaking the silence. "No I rather stay here and chill with you then go back there." No he can't stay here, what if Craig shows up or worse my mom does. "No you better get back there, before they destroy your house." I stated. "I guess your right." Ricky groaned sliding off of the bar stool and heading towards the front door with me following.

"I'm sorry Isabel and I hope now we can be friends." Ricky exclaimed opening my front door. "Its ok Ricky I forgive you and I guess we can put the past behind us and be friends." I stated as Ricky exited my house and stood on the front porch. "Goodnight Isabel." Ricky said. "Night Ricky." I returned closing the door and locking it as he walked away.

I padded towards my room. When I entered my room I quickly changed and put my hair in a braid. Once I was finished I plopped down onto my bed with my journal and wrote down everything. After I was done I set the black journal on my nightstand and turned off my light. Soon drifting off to sleep with my thoughts.

'Man what a night'

My eighth Journal (Ricky Dillon AU)Where stories live. Discover now